PhysLean Documentation


The time-independent Schrodinger equation #

The nth eigenvalues for a Harmonic oscillator is defined as (n + 1/2) * ℏ * ω.

Instances For

    Derivatives of the eigenfunctions #

    theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.deriv_physHermite_characteristic_length (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (n : ) :
    (deriv fun (x : ) => ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite n)) (x / Q.ξ))) = fun (x : ) => ↑(1 / Q.ξ) * 2 * n * ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite (n - 1))) (x / Q.ξ))
    theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.deriv_eigenfunction_succ (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (n : ) :
    deriv (Q.eigenfunction (n + 1)) = fun (x : ) => ↑(1 / (2 ^ (n + 1) * (n + 1).factorial) * (1 / Q.ξ)) ((2 * (n + 1) * ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite n)) (x / Q.ξ)) - x / Q.ξ * ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite (n + 1))) (x / Q.ξ))) * Q.eigenfunction 0 x)

    Second derivatives of the eigenfunctions. #

    theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.deriv_deriv_eigenfunction_succ (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (n : ) (x : ) :
    deriv (fun (x : ) => deriv (Q.eigenfunction (n + 1)) x) x = ↑(1 / (2 ^ (n + 1) * (n + 1).factorial) * (1 / Q.ξ)) * ((2 * (n + 1) * deriv (fun (x : ) => ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite n)) (x / Q.ξ))) x + -(1 / Q.ξ ^ 2) * (4 * (n + 1) * x) * ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite n)) (x / Q.ξ)) + -(1 / Q.ξ) * (1 + -(1 / Q.ξ ^ 2) * x ^ 2) * ((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite (n + 1))) (x / Q.ξ))) * Q.eigenfunction 0 x)
    theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.deriv_deriv_eigenfunction (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (n : ) (x : ) :
    deriv (fun (x : ) => deriv (Q.eigenfunction n) x) x = -1 / Q.ξ ^ 2 * (2 * n + 1 + -1 / Q.ξ ^ 2 * x ^ 2) * Q.eigenfunction n x

    Application of the schrodingerOperator #

    The nth eigenfunction satisfies the time-independent Schrodinger equation with respect to the nth eigenvalue. That is to say for Q a harmonic scillator,

    Q.schrodingerOperator (Q.eigenfunction n) x = Q.eigenValue n * Q.eigenfunction n x.

    The proof of this result is done by explicit calculation of derivatives.