Eigenfunction of the Harmonic Oscillator #
The n
th eigenfunction of the Harmonic oscillator is defined as the function ℝ → ℂ
taking x : ℝ
1/√(2^n n!) 1/√(√π ξ) * physHermite n (x / ξ) * e ^ (- x²/ (2 ξ²))
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Instances For
Basic properties of the eigenfunctions #
The eigenfunctions are integrable.
The eigenfunctions are real.
The eigenfunctions are square integrable.
The eigenfunctions are almost everywhere strongly measurable.
The eigenfunctions are members of the Hilbert space.
The eigenfunctions are differentiable.
The eigenfunctions are continuous.
The n
th eigenfunction is an eigenfunction of the parity operator with
the eigenvalue (-1) ^ n
Orthnormality #
A simplification of the product of two eigen-functions.
The eigenfunction are normalized.
The eigen-functions of the quantum harmonic oscillator are orthogonal.
The eigenfunctions are orthonormal within the Hilbert space.
The eigenfunctions are linearly independent.