PhysLean Documentation


Eigenfunction of the Harmonic Oscillator #

The nth eigenfunction of the Harmonic oscillator is defined as the function ℝ → ℂ taking x : ℝ to

1/√(2^n n!) 1/√(√π ξ) * physHermite n (x / ξ) * e ^ (- x²/ (2 ξ²)).

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Instances For
    theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.eigenfunction_eq (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (n : ) :
    Q.eigenfunction n = fun (x : ) => 1 / (2 ^ n * n.factorial) * (1 / (Real.pi * Q.ξ)) * ↑((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite n)) (x / Q.ξ) * Real.exp (-x ^ 2 / (2 * Q.ξ ^ 2)))

    Basic properties of the eigenfunctions #

    The nth eigenfunction is an eigenfunction of the parity operator with the eigenvalue (-1) ^ n.

    Orthnormality #

    theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.eigenfunction_mul (Q : HarmonicOscillator) {x : } (n p : ) :
    Q.eigenfunction n x * Q.eigenfunction p x = 1 / (2 ^ n * n.factorial) * 1 / (2 ^ p * p.factorial) * (1 / (Real.pi * Q.ξ)) * ↑((fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite n)) (x / Q.ξ) * (fun (x : ) => (Polynomial.aeval x) (PhysLean.physHermite p)) (x / Q.ξ) * Real.exp (-x ^ 2 / Q.ξ ^ 2))

    A simplification of the product of two eigen-functions.

    The eigen-functions of the quantum harmonic oscillator are orthogonal.

    The eigenfunctions are orthonormal within the Hilbert space.