PhysLean Documentation


1d Harmonic Oscillator #

The quantum harmonic oscillator in 1d. This file contains


Some preliminary results about Complex.ofReal . #

To be moved.


The 1d Harmonic Oscillator

A quantum harmonic oscillator specified by a three real parameters: the mass of the particle m, a value of Planck's constant , and an angular frequency ω. All three of these parameters are assumed to be positive.

  • m :

    The mass of the particle.

  • ℏ :

    Reduced Planck's constant.

  • ω :

    The angular frequency of the harmonic oscillator.

  • hℏ : 0 < self.
  • hω : 0 < self.ω
  • hm : 0 < self.m
Instances For

    The characteristic length #

    The characteristic length ξ of the harmonic oscillator is defined as √(ℏ /(m ω)).

    Instances For

      The momentum operator is defined as the map from ℝ → ℂ to ℝ → ℂ taking ψ to - i ψ'.

      The notation Pᵒᵖ can be used for the momentum operator.

      Instances For

        The momentum operator is defined as the map from ℝ → ℂ to ℝ → ℂ taking ψ to - i ψ'.

        The notation Pᵒᵖ can be used for the momentum operator.

        Instances For

          The position operator is defined as the map from ℝ → ℂ to ℝ → ℂ taking ψ to x ψ'.

          The notation Xᵒᵖ can be used for the momentum operator.

          Instances For

            The position operator is defined as the map from ℝ → ℂ to ℝ → ℂ taking ψ to x ψ'.

            The notation Xᵒᵖ can be used for the momentum operator.

            Instances For

              For a harmonic oscillator, the Schrodinger Operator corresponding to it is defined as the function from ℝ → ℂ to ℝ → ℂ taking

              ψ ↦ - ℏ^2 / (2 * m) * ψ'' + 1/2 * m * ω^2 * x^2 * ψ.

              Instances For
                theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.schrodingerOperator_eq (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (ψ : ) :
                Q.schrodingerOperator ψ = (-Q. ^ 2 / (2 * Q.m)) deriv (deriv ψ) + (1 / 2 * Q.m * Q.ω ^ 2) ((fun (x : ) => x ^ 2) * ψ)
                theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.schrodingerOperator_eq_ξ (Q : HarmonicOscillator) (ψ : ) :
                Q.schrodingerOperator ψ = fun (x : ) => Q. ^ 2 / (2 * Q.m) * (-deriv (deriv ψ) x + (1 / Q.ξ ^ 2) ^ 2 * x ^ 2 * ψ x)

                The schrodinger operator written in terms of ξ.