PhysLean Documentation


Hilbert space for one dimension quantum mechanics #

@[reducible, inline]

The Hilbert space for a one dimensional quantum system is defined as the space of almost-everywhere equal equivalence classes of square integrable functions from to .

Instances For

    The proposition MemHS f for a function f : ℝ → ℂ is defined to be true if the function f can be lifted to the Hilbert space.

    Instances For

      A function f statisfies MemHS f if and only if it is almost everywhere strongly measurable, and square integrable.

      Given a function f : ℝ → ℂ such that MemHS f is true via hf, then hf is the element of the HilbertSpace defined by f.

      Instances For
        theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HilbertSpace.inner_mk_mk {f g : } {hf : MemHS f} {hg : MemHS g} :
        inner (mk hf) (mk hg) = (x : ), (starRingEnd ) (f x) * g x

        Gaussians #

        theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HilbertSpace.gaussian_memHS {b : } (c : ) (hb : 0 < b) :
        MemHS fun (x : ) => (Real.exp (-b * (x - c) ^ 2))
        theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HilbertSpace.mul_gaussian_mem_Lp_one (f : ) (hf : MemHS f) (b c : ) (hb : 0 < b) :
        MeasureTheory.MemLp (fun (x : ) => f x * (Real.exp (-b * (x - c) ^ 2))) 1 MeasureTheory.volume
        theorem QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HilbertSpace.mul_gaussian_mem_Lp_two (f : ) (hf : MemHS f) (b c : ) (hb : 0 < b) :
        MeasureTheory.MemLp (fun (x : ) => f x * (Real.exp (-b * (x - c) ^ 2))) 2 MeasureTheory.volume