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Universality properties of FieldOpAlgebra #

For a field specification, 𝓕, given an algebra A and a function f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A such that the lift of f to FreeAlgebra.lift ℂ f : FreeAlgebra ℂ 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A is zero on the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, the corresponding map 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra → A.

Instances For

    For a field specification, 𝓕, given an algebra A and a function f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A such that the lift of f to FreeAlgebra.lift ℂ f : FreeAlgebra ℂ 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A is zero on the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, the corresponding algebra map 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra → A.

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    Instances For

      For a field specification, 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra satisfies the following universal property. Let f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A be a function and g : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₐ[ℂ] A the universal lift of that function associated with the free algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra. If g is zero on the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, then there exists algebra map g' : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₐ[ℂ] A such that g' ∘ ι = g, and furthermore this algebra map is unique.