PhysLean Documentation


Properties of Quad Sols for SM with RHN #

We give a series of properties held by solutions to the quadratic equation.

In particular given a quad solution we define a map from linear solutions to quadratic solutions and show that it is a surjection. The main reference for this is:

A helper function for what comes later.

Instances For

    A helper function for what comes later.

    Instances For
      theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.QuadSol.accQuad_α₁_α₂_zero {n : } (C : (PlusU1 n).QuadSols) (S : (PlusU1 n).LinSols) (h1 : α₁ C S = 0) (h2 : α₂ S = 0) (a b : ) :

      The construction of a QuadSol from a LinSols in the generic case.

      Instances For
        def SMRHN.PlusU1.QuadSol.specialToQuad {n : } (C : (PlusU1 n).QuadSols) (S : (PlusU1 n).LinSols) (a b : ) (h1 : α₁ C S = 0) (h2 : α₂ S = 0) :

        The construction of a QuadSol from a LinSols in the special case when α₁ C S = 0 and α₂ S = 0.

        Instances For
          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.QuadSol.special_on_quad {n : } (C S : (PlusU1 n).QuadSols) (h1 : α₁ C S.toLinSols = 0) :
          specialToQuad C S.toLinSols 1 0 h1 = S

          The construction of a QuadSols from a LinSols and two rationals taking account of the generic and special cases. This function is a surjection.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            A function from QuadSols to LinSols × ℚ × ℚ which is a right inverse to toQuad.

            Instances For
              theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.QuadSol.toQuadInv_special {n : } (C S : (PlusU1 n).QuadSols) (h : α₁ C S.toLinSols = 0) :
              specialToQuad C (toQuadInv C S).1 (toQuadInv C S).2.1 (toQuadInv C S).2.2 = S