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Plane of non-solutions #

Working in the three family case, we show that there exists an eleven dimensional plane in the vector space of charges on which there are no solutions.

The main result of this file is eleven_dim_plane_of_no_sols_exists, which states that an 11 dimensional plane of charges exists on which there are no solutions except the origin.

A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

Instances For

    A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

    Instances For

      A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

      Instances For

        A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

        Instances For

          A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

          Instances For

            A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

            Instances For

              A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

              Instances For

                A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

                Instances For

                  A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

                  Instances For

                    A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

                    Instances For

                      A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

                      Instances For
                        theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.Bi_Bj_quad {i j : Fin 11} (hi : i j) :
                        (SMνACCs.quadBiLin (B i)) (B j) = 0
                        theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.Bi_sum_quad (i : Fin 11) (f : Fin 11) :
                        (SMνACCs.quadBiLin (B i)) (∑ k : Fin 11, f k B k) = f i * (SMνACCs.quadBiLin (B i)) (B i)

                        The coefficients of the quadratic equation in our basis.

                        Instances For
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.on_accQuad (f : Fin 11) :
                          SMνACCs.accQuad (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i) = i : Fin 11, quadCoeff i * f i ^ 2
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_quadCoeff_f_sq_zero (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) (k : Fin 11) :
                          quadCoeff k * f k ^ 2 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f0 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 0 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f1 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 1 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f2 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 2 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f3 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 3 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f4 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 4 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f5 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 5 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f6 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 6 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f7 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 7 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f8 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 8 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_sum_part (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          i : Fin 11, f i B i = f 9 B₉ + f 10 B₁₀
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_grav (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 10 = -3 * f 9
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_sum_part' (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          i : Fin 11, f i B i = f 9 B₉ + (-3 * f 9) B₁₀
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f9 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 9 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f10 (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          f 10 = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_f_zero (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) (k : Fin 11) :
                          f k = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.ElevenPlane.isSolution_only_if_zero (f : Fin 11) (hS : (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)) :
                          i : Fin 11, f i B i = 0
                          theorem SMRHN.PlusU1.eleven_dim_plane_of_no_sols_exists :
                          ∃ (B : Fin 11(PlusU1 3).Charges), LinearIndependent B ∀ (f : Fin 11), (PlusU1 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 11, f i B i)i : Fin 11, f i B i = 0