Dimension 7 plane #
We work here in the three family case. We give an example of a 7 dimensional plane on which every point satisfies the ACCs.
The main result of this file is seven_dim_plane_exists
which states that there exists a
7 dimensional plane of charges on which every point satisfies the ACCs.
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₀ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 0, 0 => 1 | 0, 1 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₁ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 1, 0 => 1 | 1, 1 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₂ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 2, 0 => 1 | 2, 1 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₃ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 3, 0 => 1 | 3, 1 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₄ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 4, 0 => 1 | 4, 1 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₅ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 5, 0 => 1 | 5, 1 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₆ = SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.invFun fun (s : Fin 6) (i : Fin 3) => match s, i with | 1, 2 => 1 | 2, 2 => -1 | x, x_1 => 0
Instances For
The charge assignments forming a basis of the plane.
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 0 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₀
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 1 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₁
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 2 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₂
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 3 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₃
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 4 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₄
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 5 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₅
- SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B 6 = SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₆