PhysLean Documentation


Dimension 7 plane #

We work here in the three family case. We give an example of a 7 dimensional plane on which every point satisfies the ACCs.

The main result of this file is seven_dim_plane_exists which states that there exists a 7 dimensional plane of charges on which every point satisfies the ACCs.

A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

Instances For
    theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₀_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
    ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₀) S) T = 6 * (S 0 * T 0 - S 1 * T 1)

    A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

    Instances For
      theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₁_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
      ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₁) S) T = 3 * (S 3 * T 3 - S 4 * T 4)

      A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

      Instances For
        theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₂_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
        ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₂) S) T = 3 * (S 6 * T 6 - S 7 * T 7)

        A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

        Instances For
          theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₃_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
          ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₃) S) T = 2 * (S 9 * T 9 - S 10 * T 10)

          A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

          Instances For
            theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₄_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
            ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₄) S) T = S 12 * T 12 - S 13 * T 13

            A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

            Instances For
              theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₅_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
              ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₅) S) T = S 15 * T 15 - S 16 * T 16

              A charge assignment forming one of the basis elements of the plane.

              Instances For
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₆_cubic (S T : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin B₆) S) T = 3 * (S 5 * T 5 - S 8 * T 8)
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₀_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 0 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 0)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₁_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 1 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 1)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₂_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 2 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 2)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₃_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 3 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 3)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₄_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 4 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 4)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₅_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 5 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 5)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B₆_Bi_cubic {i : Fin 7} (hi : 6 i) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B 6)) (B i)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.Bi_Bj_ne_cubic {i j : Fin 7} (h : i j) (S : (SM 3).Charges) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B i)) (B j)) S = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.Bi_Bj_Bk_cubic (i j k : Fin 7) :
                ((SMνACCs.cubeTriLin (B i)) (B j)) (B k) = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B_in_accCube (f : Fin 7) :
                SMνACCs.accCube (∑ i : Fin 7, f i B i) = 0
                theorem SMRHN.SM.PlaneSeven.B_sum_is_sol (f : Fin 7) :
                (SM 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 7, f i B i)
                theorem SMRHN.SM.seven_dim_plane_exists :
                ∃ (B : Fin 7(SM 3).Charges), LinearIndependent B ∀ (f : Fin 7), (SM 3).IsSolution (∑ i : Fin 7, f i B i)