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Linear maps #

Some definitions and properties of linear, bilinear, and trilinear maps, along with homogeneous quadratic and cubic equations.

The structure defining a homogeneous quadratic equation.

Instances For

    A homogenous quadratic equation can be treated as a function from V to .

    theorem HomogeneousQuadratic.map_smul {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : HomogeneousQuadratic V) (a : ) (S : V) :
    f (a S) = a ^ 2 * f S
    structure BiLinearSymm (V : Type) [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] extends V →ₗ[] V →ₗ[] :

    The structure of a symmetric bilinear function.

    Instances For

      A symmetric bilinear function.

      • swap (S T : V) : (f S) T = (f T) S

        A symmetric bilinear form can be treated as a function from V to V →ₗ[ℚ] ℚ.

        def BiLinearSymm.mk₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : V × V) (map_smul : ∀ (a : ) (S T : V), f (a S, T) = a * f (S, T)) (map_add : ∀ (S1 S2 T : V), f (S1 + S2, T) = f (S1, T) + f (S2, T)) (swap : ∀ (S T : V), f (S, T) = f (T, S)) :

        The construction of a symmetric bilinear map from smul and map_add in the first factor, and swap.

        • BiLinearSymm.mk₂ f map_smul map_add swap = { toFun := fun (S : V) => { toFun := fun (T : V) => f (S, T), map_add' := , map_smul' := }, map_add' := , map_smul' := , swap' := swap }
        Instances For
          theorem BiLinearSymm.mk₂_toFun_apply {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : V × V) (map_smul : ∀ (a : ) (S T : V), f (a S, T) = a * f (S, T)) (map_add : ∀ (S1 S2 T : V), f (S1 + S2, T) = f (S1, T) + f (S2, T)) (swap : ∀ (S T : V), f (S, T) = f (T, S)) (S T : V) :
          ((mk₂ f map_smul map_add swap) S) T = f (S, T)
          theorem BiLinearSymm.map_smul₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : BiLinearSymm V) (a : ) (S T : V) :
          (f (a S)) T = a * (f S) T
          theorem BiLinearSymm.swap {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : BiLinearSymm V) (S T : V) :
          (f S) T = (f T) S
          theorem BiLinearSymm.map_smul₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : BiLinearSymm V) (a : ) (S T : V) :
          (f S) (a T) = a * (f S) T
          theorem BiLinearSymm.map_add₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : BiLinearSymm V) (S1 S2 T : V) :
          (f (S1 + S2)) T = (f S1) T + (f S2) T
          theorem BiLinearSymm.map_add₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : BiLinearSymm V) (S T1 T2 : V) :
          (f S) (T1 + T2) = (f S) T1 + (f S) T2

          Fixing the second input vectors, the resulting linear map.

          • f.toLinear₁ T = { toFun := fun (S : V) => (f S) T, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
          Instances For
            theorem BiLinearSymm.toLinear₁_apply {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : BiLinearSymm V) (S T : V) :
            (f S) T = (f.toLinear₁ T) S
            theorem BiLinearSymm.map_sum₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] {n : } (f : BiLinearSymm V) (S : Fin nV) (T : V) :
            (f (∑ i : Fin n, S i)) T = i : Fin n, (f (S i)) T
            theorem BiLinearSymm.map_sum₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] {n : } (f : BiLinearSymm V) (S : Fin nV) (T : V) :
            (f T) (∑ i : Fin n, S i) = i : Fin n, (f T) (S i)

            The homogenous quadratic equation obtainable from a bilinear function.

            Instances For

              The structure of a homogeneous cubic equation.

              Instances For

                A homogenous cubic equation can be treated as a function from V to .

                theorem HomogeneousCubic.map_smul {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : HomogeneousCubic V) (a : ) (S : V) :
                f (a S) = a ^ 3 * f S

                The structure of a symmetric trilinear function.

                Instances For

                  A symmetric trilinear form can be treated as a function from V to V →ₗ[ℚ] V →ₗ[ℚ] ℚ.

                  def TriLinearSymm.mk₃ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : V × V × V) (map_smul : ∀ (a : ) (S T L : V), f (a S, T, L) = a * f (S, T, L)) (map_add : ∀ (S1 S2 T L : V), f (S1 + S2, T, L) = f (S1, T, L) + f (S2, T, L)) (swap₁ : ∀ (S T L : V), f (S, T, L) = f (T, S, L)) (swap₂ : ∀ (S T L : V), f (S, T, L) = f (S, L, T)) :

                  The construction of a symmetric trilinear map from smul and map_add in the first factor, and two swap.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.mk₃_toFun_apply_apply {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : V × V × V) (map_smul : ∀ (a : ) (S T L : V), f (a S, T, L) = a * f (S, T, L)) (map_add : ∀ (S1 S2 T L : V), f (S1 + S2, T, L) = f (S1, T, L) + f (S2, T, L)) (swap₁ : ∀ (S T L : V), f (S, T, L) = f (T, S, L)) (swap₂ : ∀ (S T L : V), f (S, T, L) = f (S, L, T)) (S S✝ T : V) :
                    (((mk₃ f map_smul map_add swap₁ swap₂) S) S✝) T = f (S, S✝, T)
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.swap₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T L : V) :
                    ((f S) T) L = ((f T) S) L
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.swap₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T L : V) :
                    ((f S) T) L = ((f S) L) T
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.swap₃ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T L : V) :
                    ((f S) T) L = ((f L) T) S
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.map_smul₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (a : ) (S T L : V) :
                    ((f (a S)) T) L = a * ((f S) T) L
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.map_smul₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S : V) (a : ) (T L : V) :
                    ((f S) (a T)) L = a * ((f S) T) L
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.map_smul₃ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T : V) (a : ) (L : V) :
                    ((f S) T) (a L) = a * ((f S) T) L
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.map_add₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S1 S2 T L : V) :
                    ((f (S1 + S2)) T) L = ((f S1) T) L + ((f S2) T) L
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.map_add₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T1 T2 L : V) :
                    ((f S) (T1 + T2)) L = ((f S) T1) L + ((f S) T2) L
                    theorem TriLinearSymm.map_add₃ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T L1 L2 : V) :
                    ((f S) T) (L1 + L2) = ((f S) T) L1 + ((f S) T) L2

                    Fixing the second and third input vectors, the resulting linear map.

                    • f.toLinear₁ T L = { toFun := fun (S : V) => ((f S) T) L, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
                    Instances For
                      theorem TriLinearSymm.toLinear₁_apply {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S T L : V) :
                      ((f S) T) L = (f.toLinear₁ T L) S
                      theorem TriLinearSymm.map_sum₁ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] {n : } (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S : Fin nV) (T L : V) :
                      ((f (∑ i : Fin n, S i)) T) L = i : Fin n, ((f (S i)) T) L
                      theorem TriLinearSymm.map_sum₂ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] {n : } (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S : Fin nV) (T L : V) :
                      ((f T) (∑ i : Fin n, S i)) L = i : Fin n, ((f T) (S i)) L
                      theorem TriLinearSymm.map_sum₃ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] {n : } (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S : Fin nV) (T L : V) :
                      ((f T) L) (∑ i : Fin n, S i) = i : Fin n, ((f T) L) (S i)
                      theorem TriLinearSymm.map_sum₁₂₃ {V : Type} [AddCommMonoid V] [Module V] {n1 n2 n3 : } (f : TriLinearSymm V) (S : Fin n1V) (T : Fin n2V) (L : Fin n3V) :
                      ((f (∑ i : Fin n1, S i)) (∑ i : Fin n2, T i)) (∑ i : Fin n3, L i) = i : Fin n1, k : Fin n2, l : Fin n3, ((f (S i)) (T k)) (L l)
                      def TriLinearSymm.toCubic {charges : Type} [AddCommMonoid charges] [Module charges] (τ : TriLinearSymm charges) :

                      The homogenous cubic equation obtainable from a symmetric trilinear function.

                      • τ.toCubic = { toFun := fun (S : charges) => ((τ S) S) S, map_smul' := }
                      Instances For
                        theorem TriLinearSymm.toCubic_apply {charges : Type} [AddCommMonoid charges] [Module charges] (τ : TriLinearSymm charges) (S : charges) :
                        τ.toCubic S = ((τ S) S) S
                        theorem TriLinearSymm.toCubic_add {charges : Type} [AddCommMonoid charges] [Module charges] (τ : TriLinearSymm charges) (S T : charges) :
                        τ.toCubic (S + T) = τ.toCubic S + τ.toCubic T + 3 * ((τ S) S) T + 3 * ((τ T) T) S