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The Pure U(1) case with 3 fermion #

We show that S is a solution only if one of its charges is zero. We define a surjective map from LinSols with a charge equal to zero to Sols.

theorem PureU1.Three.cube_for_linSol' (S : (PureU1 3).LinSols) :
3 * S.val 0 * S.val 1 * S.val 2 = 0 (PureU1 3).cubicACC S.val = 0
theorem PureU1.Three.cube_for_linSol (S : (PureU1 3).LinSols) :
S.val 0 = 0 S.val 1 = 0 S.val 2 = 0 (PureU1 3).cubicACC S.val = 0
theorem PureU1.Three.three_sol_zero (S : (PureU1 3).Sols) :
S.val 0 = 0 S.val 1 = 0 S.val 2 = 0
def PureU1.Three.solOfLinear (S : (PureU1 3).LinSols) (hS : S.val 0 = 0 S.val 1 = 0 S.val 2 = 0) :

Given a LinSol with a charge equal to zero a Sol.

Instances For
    theorem PureU1.Three.solOfLinear_surjects (S : (PureU1 3).Sols) :
    ∃ (T : (PureU1 3).LinSols) (hT : T.val 0 = 0 T.val 1 = 0 T.val 2 = 0), solOfLinear T hT = S