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The MSSM with 3 families and RHNs #

We define the system of ACCs for the MSSM with 3 families and RHNs. We define the system of charges for 1-species. We prove some basic lemmas about them.

The vector space of charges corresponding to the MSSM fermions.

Instances For

    The vector spaces of charges of one species of fermions in the MSSM.

    Instances For

      An equivalence between MSSMCharges.charges and the space of maps (Fin 18 ⊕ Fin 2 → ℚ). The first 18 factors corresponds to the SM fermions, while the last two are the higgsions.

      Instances For
        theorem MSSMCharges.toSMPlusH_symm_apply (a✝ : Fin 18 Fin 2) (a✝¹ : Fin (18 + 2)) :
        toSMPlusH.symm a✝ a✝¹ = a✝ (finSumFinEquiv.symm a✝¹)
        theorem MSSMCharges.toSMPlusH_apply (a✝ : Fin (18 + 2)) (a✝¹ : Fin 18 Fin 2) :
        toSMPlusH a✝ a✝¹ = a✝ (finSumFinEquiv a✝¹)
        def MSSMCharges.splitSMPlusH :
        (Fin 18 Fin 2) (Fin 18) × (Fin 2)

        An equivalence between Fin 18 ⊕ Fin 2 → ℚ and (Fin 18 → ℚ) × (Fin 2 → ℚ).

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem MSSMCharges.splitSMPlusH_symm_apply (f : (Fin 18) × (Fin 2)) (a✝ : Fin 18 Fin 2) :
          splitSMPlusH.symm f a✝ = Sum.elim f.1 f.2 a✝

          An equivalence between MSSMCharges.charges and (Fin 18 → ℚ) × (Fin 2 → ℚ). This splits the charges up into the SM and the additional ones for the MSSM.

          Instances For
            def MSSMCharges.toSpeciesMaps' :
            (Fin 18) (Fin 6Fin 3)

            An equivalence between (Fin 18 → ℚ) and (Fin 6 → Fin 3 → ℚ).

            Instances For
              theorem MSSMCharges.toSpeciesMaps'_apply (a✝ : Fin (6 * 3)) (a✝¹ : Fin 6) (a✝² : Fin 3) :
              toSpeciesMaps' a✝ a✝¹ a✝² = a✝ (finProdFinEquiv (a✝¹, a✝²))
              theorem MSSMCharges.toSpeciesMaps'_symm_apply (a✝ : Fin 6Fin 3) (a✝¹ : Fin (6 * 3)) :
              toSpeciesMaps'.symm a✝ a✝¹ = a✝ a✝¹.divNat a✝¹.modNat

              An equivalence between MSSMCharges.charges and (Fin 6 → Fin 3 → ℚ) × (Fin 2 → ℚ)). This splits charges up into the SM and additional fermions, and further splits the SM into species.

              Instances For

                For a given i ∈ Fin 6 the projection of MSSMCharges.charges down to the corresponding SM species of charges.

                Instances For
                  theorem MSSMCharges.toSMSpecies_apply (i : Fin 6) (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) (a✝ : Fin 3) :
                  (toSMSpecies i) S a✝ = S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (i, a✝)))
                  theorem MSSMCharges.toSMSpecies_toSpecies_inv (i : Fin 6) (f : (Fin 6Fin 3) × (Fin 2)) :
                  (toSMSpecies i) (toSpecies.symm f) = f.1 i
                  @[reducible, inline]

                  The Q charges as a map Fin 3 → ℚ.

                  Instances For
                    @[reducible, inline]

                    The U charges as a map Fin 3 → ℚ.

                    Instances For
                      @[reducible, inline]

                      The D charges as a map Fin 3 → ℚ.

                      Instances For
                        @[reducible, inline]

                        The L charges as a map Fin 3 → ℚ.

                        Instances For
                          @[reducible, inline]

                          The E charges as a map Fin 3 → ℚ.

                          Instances For
                            @[reducible, inline]

                            The N charges as a map Fin 3 → ℚ.

                            Instances For

                              The charge Hd.

                              Instances For
                                theorem MSSMCharges.Hd_apply (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) :
                                Hd S = S 18, Hd.proof_1

                                The charge Hu.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem MSSMCharges.Hu_apply (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) :
                                  Hu S = S 19, Hu.proof_1
                                  theorem MSSMCharges.charges_eq_toSpecies_eq (S T : MSSMCharges.Charges) :
                                  S = T (∀ (i : Fin 6), (toSMSpecies i) S = (toSMSpecies i) T) Hd S = Hd T Hu S = Hu T
                                  theorem MSSMCharges.Hd_toSpecies_inv (f : (Fin 6Fin 3) × (Fin 2)) :
                                  Hd (toSpecies.symm f) = f.2 0
                                  theorem MSSMCharges.Hu_toSpecies_inv (f : (Fin 6Fin 3) × (Fin 2)) :
                                  Hu (toSpecies.symm f) = f.2 1

                                  The gravitational anomaly equation.

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For

                                    The anomaly cancellation condition for SU(2) anomaly.

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For

                                      The anomaly cancellation condition for SU(3) anomaly.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For

                                        Extensionality lemma for accSU3.

                                        The ACC for .

                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                        Instances For

                                          The symmetric bilinear function used to define the quadratic ACC.

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For
                                            theorem MSSMACCs.accQuad_ext {S T : MSSMCharges.Charges} (h : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin MSSMSpecies.numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 2) (MSSMCharges.toSMSpecies j) S) i = i : Fin MSSMSpecies.numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 2) (MSSMCharges.toSMSpecies j) T) i) (hd : MSSMCharges.Hd S = MSSMCharges.Hd T) (hu : MSSMCharges.Hu S = MSSMCharges.Hu T) :

                                            Extensionality lemma for accQuad.

                                            The function underlying the symmetric trilinear form used to define the cubic ACC.

                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                            Instances For

                                              The symmetric trilinear form used to define the cubic ACC.

                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                              Instances For
                                                theorem MSSMACCs.accCube_ext {S T : MSSMCharges.Charges} (h : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin MSSMSpecies.numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 3) (MSSMCharges.toSMSpecies j) S) i = i : Fin MSSMSpecies.numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 3) (MSSMCharges.toSMSpecies j) T) i) (hd : MSSMCharges.Hd S = MSSMCharges.Hd T) (hu : MSSMCharges.Hu S = MSSMCharges.Hu T) :

                                                Extensionality lemma for accCube.

                                                The ACCSystem for the MSSM without RHN.

                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                Instances For
                                                  theorem MSSMACC_linearACCs (i : Fin 4) :
                                                  MSSMACC.linearACCs i = match i with | 0 => { toFun := fun (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) => i : Fin 3, (6 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (0, i))) + 3 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (1, i))) + 3 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (2, i))) + 2 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (3, i))) + S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (4, i))) + S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (5, i)))) + 2 * (S 18, MSSMCharges.Hd.proof_1 + S 19, MSSMCharges.Hu.proof_1), map_add' := MSSMACCs.accGrav.proof_1, map_smul' := MSSMACCs.accGrav.proof_2 } | 1 => { toFun := fun (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) => i : Fin 3, (3 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (0, i))) + S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (3, i)))) + S 18, MSSMCharges.Hd.proof_1 + S 19, MSSMCharges.Hu.proof_1, map_add' := MSSMACCs.accSU2.proof_1, map_smul' := MSSMACCs.accSU2.proof_2 } | 2 => { toFun := fun (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) => i : Fin 3, (2 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (0, i))) + S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (1, i))) + S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (2, i)))), map_add' := MSSMACCs.accSU3.proof_1, map_smul' := MSSMACCs.accSU3.proof_2 } | 3 => { toFun := fun (S : MSSMCharges.Charges) => i : Fin 3, (S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (0, i))) + 8 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (1, i))) + 2 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (2, i))) + 3 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (3, i))) + 6 * S (Fin.castAdd 2 (finProdFinEquiv (4, i)))) + 3 * (S 18, MSSMCharges.Hd.proof_1 + S 19, MSSMCharges.Hu.proof_1), map_add' := MSSMACCs.accYY.proof_1, map_smul' := MSSMACCs.accYY.proof_2 }
                                                  def MSSMACC.AnomalyFreeMk (S : MSSMACC.Charges) (hg : MSSMACCs.accGrav S = 0) (hsu2 : MSSMACCs.accSU2 S = 0) (hsu3 : MSSMACCs.accSU3 S = 0) (hyy : MSSMACCs.accYY S = 0) (hquad : MSSMACCs.accQuad S = 0) (hcube : MSSMACCs.accCube S = 0) :

                                                  A solution from a charge satisfying the ACCs.

                                                  • MSSMACC.AnomalyFreeMk S hg hsu2 hsu3 hyy hquad hcube = { val := S, linearSol := , quadSol := , cubicSol := hcube }
                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem MSSMACC.AnomalyFreeMk_val (S : MSSMACC.Charges) (hg : MSSMACCs.accGrav S = 0) (hsu2 : MSSMACCs.accSU2 S = 0) (hsu3 : MSSMACCs.accSU3 S = 0) (hyy : MSSMACCs.accYY S = 0) (hquad : MSSMACCs.accQuad S = 0) (hcube : MSSMACCs.accCube S = 0) :
                                                    (AnomalyFreeMk S hg hsu2 hsu3 hyy hquad hcube).val = S

                                                    A QuadSol from a LinSol satisfying the quadratic ACC.

                                                    Instances For

                                                      A Sol from a LinSol satisfying the quadratic and cubic ACCs.

                                                      Instances For

                                                        A Sol from a QuadSol satisfying the cubic ACCs.

                                                        Instances For

                                                          The dot product on the vector space of charges.

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                                                          Instances For