PhysLean Documentation


The action of the gauge group on the Higgs field #

The representation of the gauge group on the Higgs vector space #

The Higgs representation as a homomorphism from the gauge group to unitary 2×2-matrices.

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Instances For

    Using the orthonormal basis of HiggsVec, turns a 2×2-matrix into a linear map of HiggsVec.

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    Instances For

      The map matrixToLin commutes with the star operation.

      If g is a member of the 2 × 2 unitary group, then as a linear map from HiggsVec →L[ℂ] HiggsVec formed by the orthonormal basis on HiggsVec, it is unitary.

      The natural homomorphism from unitary 2×2 complex matrices to unitary transformations of higgsVec.

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      Instances For

        The inclusion of unitary transformations on higgsVec into all linear transformations.

        Instances For
          theorem StandardModel.HiggsVec.rep_apply_apply (a✝ : GaugeGroupI) (a✝¹ : HiggsVec) :
          (rep a✝) a✝¹ = unitaryToLin (higgsRepUnitary a✝) a✝¹
          theorem StandardModel.HiggsVec.rep_apply (g : GaugeGroupI) (φ : HiggsVec) :
          (rep g) φ = g.2.2 ^ 3 (↑g.2.1).mulVec φ

          The application of gauge group on a Higgs vector can be decomposed in to an smul with the U(1)-factor and a multiplication by the SU(2)-factor.

          Gauge freedom #

          Given a Higgs vector, a rotation matrix which puts the first component of the vector to zero, and the second component to a real

          Instances For
            theorem StandardModel.HiggsVec.rotateMatrix_star (φ : HiggsVec) :
            star φ.rotateMatrix = ![![(starRingEnd ((fun (x : Fin 2) => ) 1)) (φ 1) / φ, φ 0 / φ], ![-(starRingEnd ((fun (x : Fin 2) => ) 0)) (φ 0) / φ, φ 1 / φ]]

            An expansion of the conjugate of the rotateMatrix for a higgs vector.

            The determinant of the rotateMatrix for a non-zero Higgs vector is 1.

            The rotateMatrix for a non-zero Higgs vector is unitary.

            The rotateMatrix for a non-zero Higgs vector is special unitary.

            Given a Higgs vector, an element of the gauge group which puts the first component of the vector to zero, and the second component to a real number.

            Instances For

              Acting on a non-zero Higgs vector with its rotation matrix gives a vector which is zero in the first component and a positive real in the second component.

              For every Higgs vector there exists an element of the gauge group which rotates that Higgs vector to have 0 in the first component and be a non-negative real in the second component.

              For every Higgs vector there exists an element of the gauge group which rotates that Higgs vector to have 0 in the second component and be a non-negative real in the first component.

              There exists a g in GaugeGroupI such that rep g φ = φ' iff ‖φ‖ = ‖φ'‖.

              Instances For

                The Higgs boson breaks electroweak symmetry down to the electromagnetic force, i.e., the stability group of the action of rep on ![0, Complex.ofReal ‖φ‖], for non-zero ‖φ‖, is the SU(3) × U(1) subgroup of gaugeGroup := SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) with the embedding given by (g, e^{i θ}) ↦ (g, diag (e ^ {3 * i θ}, e ^ {- 3 * i θ}), e^{i θ}).

                Instances For

                  The subgroup of gaugeGroup := SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) which preserves every HiggsVec by the action of StandardModel.HiggsVec.rep is given by SU(3) × ℤ₆ where ℤ₆ is the subgroup of SU(2) × U(1) with elements (α^(-3) * I₂, α) where α is a sixth root of unity.

                  Instances For

                    Gauge transformations acting on Higgs fields. #

                    The action of gaugeTransformI on HiggsField acting pointwise through HiggsVec.rep.

                    Instances For

                      There exists a g in gaugeTransformI such that gaugeAction g φ = φ' iff φ(x)^† φ(x) = φ'(x)^† φ'(x).

                      Instances For

                        For every smooth map f from SpaceTime to such that f is positive semidefinite, there exists a Higgs field φ such that f = φ^† φ.

                        Instances For