PhysLean Documentation


Relations for the CKM Matrix #

This file contains a collection of relations and properties between the elements of the CKM matrix.

theorem CKMMatrix.VAbs_sum_sq_row_eq_one (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) (i : Fin 3) :
VAbs i 0 V ^ 2 + VAbs i 1 V ^ 2 + VAbs i 2 V ^ 2 = 1

The absolute value squared of any row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of Vabs.

theorem CKMMatrix.fst_row_normalized_abs (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 0 0 ^ 2 + V 0 1 ^ 2 + V 0 2 ^ 2 = 1

The absolute value squared of the first row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of norm.

theorem CKMMatrix.snd_row_normalized_abs (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 1 0 ^ 2 + V 1 1 ^ 2 + V 1 2 ^ 2 = 1

The absolute value squared of the second row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of norm.

theorem CKMMatrix.thd_row_normalized_abs (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 2 0 ^ 2 + V 2 1 ^ 2 + V 2 2 ^ 2 = 1

The absolute value squared of the third row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of norm.

The absolute value squared of the first row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of nomSq.

The absolute value squared of the second row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of nomSq.

The absolute value squared of the third row of a CKM matrix is 1, in terms of nomSq.

theorem CKMMatrix.ud_us_neq_zero_iff_ub_neq_one (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0 V 0 2 1
theorem CKMMatrix.normSq_Vud_plus_normSq_Vus_neq_zero_ℝ {V : CKMMatrix} (hb : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) :
Complex.normSq (V 0 0) + Complex.normSq (V 0 1) 0
theorem CKMMatrix.normSq_Vud_plus_normSq_Vus_neq_zero_ℂ {V : CKMMatrix} (hb : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) :
(Complex.normSq (V 0 0)) + (Complex.normSq (V 0 1)) 0
theorem CKMMatrix.Vabs_sq_add_neq_zero {V : CKMMatrix} (hb : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) :
(VudAbs V) * (VudAbs V) + (VusAbs V) * (VusAbs V) 0
theorem CKMMatrix.fst_row_orthog_snd_row (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 1 0 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 0) + V 1 1 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 1) + V 1 2 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 2) = 0
theorem CKMMatrix.fst_row_orthog_thd_row (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 2 0 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 0) + V 2 1 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 1) + V 2 2 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 2) = 0
theorem CKMMatrix.Vcd_mul_conj_Vud (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 1 0 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 0) = -V 1 1 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 1) - V 1 2 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 2)
theorem CKMMatrix.Vcs_mul_conj_Vus (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 1 1 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 1) = -V 1 0 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 0) - V 1 2 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 2)
theorem CKMMatrix.VAbs_thd_eq_one_fst_eq_zero {V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid} {i : Fin 3} (hV : VAbs i 2 V = 1) :
VAbs i 0 V = 0
theorem CKMMatrix.VAbs_thd_eq_one_snd_eq_zero {V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid} {i : Fin 3} (hV : VAbs i 2 V = 1) :
VAbs i 1 V = 0
theorem CKMMatrix.conj_Vtb_cross_product {V : CKMMatrix} {τ : } (hτ : V.tRow = Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow)) :
(starRingEnd ) (V 2 2) = Complex.exp (-τ * Complex.I) * (V 1 1 * V 0 0 - V 0 1 * V 1 0)
theorem CKMMatrix.conj_Vtb_mul_Vud {V : CKMMatrix} {τ : } (hτ : V.tRow = Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow)) :
Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) * (starRingEnd ) (V 2 2) * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 0) = V 1 1 * ((Complex.normSq (V 0 0)) + (Complex.normSq (V 0 1))) + V 1 2 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 2) * V 0 1
theorem CKMMatrix.conj_Vtb_mul_Vus {V : CKMMatrix} {τ : } (hτ : V.tRow = Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow)) :
Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) * (starRingEnd ) (V 2 2) * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 1) = -(V 1 0 * ((Complex.normSq (V 0 0)) + (Complex.normSq (V 0 1))) + V 1 2 * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 2) * V 0 0)
theorem CKMMatrix.cs_of_ud_us_ub_cb_tb {V : CKMMatrix} (h : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) {τ : } (hτ : V.tRow = Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow)) :
V 1 1 = (-(starRingEnd ) (V 0 2) * V 0 1 * V 1 2 + Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) * (starRingEnd ) (V 2 2) * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 0)) / ((Complex.normSq (V 0 0)) + (Complex.normSq (V 0 1)))
theorem CKMMatrix.cd_of_ud_us_ub_cb_tb {V : CKMMatrix} (h : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) {τ : } (hτ : V.tRow = Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow)) :
V 1 0 = -((starRingEnd ) (V 0 2) * V 0 0 * V 1 2 + Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) * (starRingEnd ) (V 2 2) * (starRingEnd ) (V 0 1)) / ((Complex.normSq (V 0 0)) + (Complex.normSq (V 0 1)))
theorem CKMMatrix.VAbs_sum_sq_col_eq_one (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) (i : Fin 3) :
VAbs 0 i V ^ 2 + VAbs 1 i V ^ 2 + VAbs 2 i V ^ 2 = 1
theorem CKMMatrix.thd_col_normalized_abs (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 0 2 ^ 2 + V 1 2 ^ 2 + V 2 2 ^ 2 = 1
theorem CKMMatrix.cb_eq_zero_of_ud_us_zero {V : CKMMatrix} (h : V 0 0 = 0 V 0 1 = 0) :
V 1 2 = 0
theorem CKMMatrix.cs_of_ud_us_zero {V : CKMMatrix} (ha : ¬(V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0)) :
theorem CKMMatrix.cb_tb_neq_zero_iff_ub_neq_one (V : CKMMatrix) :
V 1 2 0 V 2 2 0 V 0 2 1