PhysLean Documentation


The Two Higgs Doublet Model #

The two Higgs doublet model is the standard model plus an additional Higgs doublet.

Currently this file contains the definition of the 2HDM potential.

The parameters of the Two Higgs doublet model potential.

  • m₁₁2 :

    The parameter corresponding to m₁₁² in the 2HDM potential.

  • m₂₂2 :

    The parameter corresponding to m₂₂² in the 2HDM potential.

  • m₁₂2 :

    The parameter corresponding to m₁₂² in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₁ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₁ in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₂ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₂ in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₃ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₃ in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₄ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₄ in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₅ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₅ in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₆ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₆ in the 2HDM potential.

  • 𝓵₇ :

    The parameter corresponding to λ₇ in the 2HDM potential.

Instances For

    The potential of the two Higgs doublet model.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      The potential where all parameters are zero.

      • = { m₁₁2 := 0, m₂₂2 := 0, m₁₂2 := 0, 𝓵₁ := 0, 𝓵₂ := 0, 𝓵₃ := 0, 𝓵₄ := 0, 𝓵₅ := 0, 𝓵₆ := 0, 𝓵₇ := 0 }
      Instances For
        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.swap_fields (P : Potential) (Φ1 Φ2 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun Φ1 Φ2 = { m₁₁2 := P.m₂₂2, m₂₂2 := P.m₁₁2, m₁₂2 := (starRingEnd ) P.m₁₂2, 𝓵₁ := P.𝓵₂, 𝓵₂ := P.𝓵₁, 𝓵₃ := P.𝓵₃, 𝓵₄ := P.𝓵₄, 𝓵₅ := (starRingEnd ) P.𝓵₅, 𝓵₆ := (starRingEnd ) P.𝓵₇, 𝓵₇ := (starRingEnd ) P.𝓵₆ }.toFun Φ2 Φ1
        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.right_zero (P : Potential) (Φ1 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun Φ1 0 = { μ2 := -P.m₁₁2, 𝓵 := P.𝓵₁ / 2 }.toFun Φ1

        If Φ₂ is zero the potential reduces to the Higgs potential on Φ₁.

        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.left_zero (P : Potential) (Φ2 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun 0 Φ2 = { μ2 := -P.m₂₂2, 𝓵 := P.𝓵₂ / 2 }.toFun Φ2

        If Φ₁ is zero the potential reduces to the Higgs potential on Φ₂.

        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.neg_left (P : Potential) (Φ1 Φ2 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun (-Φ1) Φ2 = { m₁₁2 := P.m₁₁2, m₂₂2 := P.m₂₂2, m₁₂2 := -P.m₁₂2, 𝓵₁ := P.𝓵₁, 𝓵₂ := P.𝓵₂, 𝓵₃ := P.𝓵₃, 𝓵₄ := P.𝓵₄, 𝓵₅ := P.𝓵₅, 𝓵₆ := -P.𝓵₆, 𝓵₇ := -P.𝓵₇ }.toFun Φ1 Φ2

        Negating Φ₁ is equivalent to negating m₁₂2, 𝓵₆ and 𝓵₇.

        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.neg_right (P : Potential) (Φ1 Φ2 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun Φ1 (-Φ2) = { m₁₁2 := P.m₁₁2, m₂₂2 := P.m₂₂2, m₁₂2 := -P.m₁₂2, 𝓵₁ := P.𝓵₁, 𝓵₂ := P.𝓵₂, 𝓵₃ := P.𝓵₃, 𝓵₄ := P.𝓵₄, 𝓵₅ := P.𝓵₅, 𝓵₆ := -P.𝓵₆, 𝓵₇ := -P.𝓵₇ }.toFun Φ1 Φ2

        Negating Φ₁ is equivalent to negating m₁₂2, 𝓵₆ and 𝓵₇.

        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.left_eq_right (P : Potential) (Φ1 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun Φ1 Φ1 = { μ2 := -P.m₁₁2 - P.m₂₂2 + 2 * P.m₁₂, 𝓵 := P.𝓵₁ / 2 + P.𝓵₂ / 2 + P.𝓵₃ + P.𝓵₄ + P.𝓵₅.re + 2 * P.𝓵₆.re + 2 * P.𝓵₇.re }.toFun Φ1
        theorem TwoHDM.Potential.left_eq_neg_right (P : Potential) (Φ1 : StandardModel.HiggsField) :
        P.toFun Φ1 (-Φ1) = { μ2 := -P.m₁₁2 - P.m₂₂2 - 2 * P.m₁₂, 𝓵 := P.𝓵₁ / 2 + P.𝓵₂ / 2 + P.𝓵₃ + P.𝓵₄ + P.𝓵₅.re - 2 * P.𝓵₆.re - 2 * P.𝓵₇.re }.toFun Φ1

        Potential bounded from below #

        The proposition on the coefficients for a potential to be bounded.

        Instances For