PhysLean Documentation


Tensor trees to dot files #

Dot files are used by graphviz to create visualizations of graphs. Here we define a function that converts a tensor tree into a dot file.

def TensorTree.dotString {S : TensorSpecies} (m nt : ) {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} :

Turns a nodes of tensor trees into nodes and edges of a dot file.

Instances For
    def {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :

    Used to form a dot graph from a tensor tree. use e.g. #tensor_dot {T4 | i j l d ⊗ T5 | i j k a b}ᵀ.dot. Dot files can be viewed by copying and pasting into:

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Syntax for showing the dot file associated with a tensor tree. Use as #tensor_dot {T4 | i j l d ⊗ T5 | i j k a b}ᵀ.dot.

      Instances For

        Adapted from Lean.Elab.Command.elabReduce in file copyright Microsoft Corporation.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          Elaborator for the syntax tensorDot.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For