PhysLean Documentation


Lifting functors. #

There is a functor from functors Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G to braided monoidal functors BraidedFunctor (OverColor C) (Rep k G). We call this functor lift. It is a lift in the sense that it is a section of the forgetful functor BraidedFunctor (OverColor C) (Rep k G) ⥤ (Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G).

Functors in Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G form the basic building blocks of tensor structures. The fact that they extend to monoidal functors OverColor C ⥤ Rep k G allows us to interact more generally with tensors.

Takes a homomorphism in Discrete C to an isomorphism built on the same objects.

Instances For

    Takes a homomorphism of Discrete C to an isomorphism F.obj c1 ≅ F.obj c2.

    Instances For

      The linear equivalence between (F.obj c1).V ≃ₗ[k] (F.obj c2).V induced by an equality of c1 and c2.

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      Instances For
        theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.discreteFunctorMapEqIso_comm_ρ {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {c1 c2 : CategoryTheory.Discrete C} (h : = (M : G) (x : (F.obj c1).V) :
        (discreteFunctorMapEqIso F h) (((F.obj c1).ρ M) x) = ((F.obj c2).ρ M) ((discreteFunctorMapEqIso F h) x)

        Given a object in OverColor Color the corresponding tensor product of representations.

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        Instances For
          theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.objObj'_ρ_tprod {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) (f : OverColor C) (M : G) (x : (i : f.left) → (F.obj { as := f.hom i }).V) :
          ((objObj' F f).ρ M) ((PiTensorProduct.tprod k) x) = (PiTensorProduct.tprod k) fun (i : ( Type).obj f.left) => ((F.obj { as := f.hom i }).ρ M) (x i)
          theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.objObj'_V_carrier {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) (f : OverColor C) :
          (objObj' F f).V = PiTensorProduct k fun (i : f.left) => (F.obj { as := f.hom i }).V

          Given a morphism in OverColor C the corresponding linear equivalence between obj' _ induced by reindexing.

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          Instances For
            theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.mapToLinearEquiv'_tprod {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {f g : OverColor C} (m : f g) (x : (i : f.left) → (F.obj { as := f.hom i }).V) :

            Given a morphism in OverColor C the corresponding map of representations induced by reindexing.

            Instances For
              theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.objMap'_tprod {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : OverColor C} (p : (i : X.left) → (F.obj { as := X.hom i }).V) (f : X Y) :
              def IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.discreteSumEquiv {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : OverColor C} (i : X.left Y.left) :
              Sum.elim (fun (i : ( Type).obj X.left) => (F.obj { as := X.hom i }).V) (fun (i : ( Type).obj Y.left) => (F.obj { as := Y.hom i }).V) i ≃ₗ[k] (F.obj { as := (CategoryTheory.MonoidalCategoryStruct.tensorObj X Y).hom i }).V

              An auxiliary equivalence, and trivial, of modules needed to define μModEquiv.

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              Instances For
                def IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.discreteSumEquiv' {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : Type} {cX : XC} {cY : YC} (i : X Y) :
                Sum.elim (fun (i : X) => (F.obj { as := cX i }).V) (fun (i : Y) => (F.obj { as := cY i }).V) i ≃ₗ[k] (F.obj { as := Sum.elim cX cY i }).V

                An equivalence used in the lemma of μ_tmul_tprod_mk. Identical to μModEquiv except with arguments based on maps instead of elements of OverColor C.

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                Instances For
                  theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.μModEquiv_tmul_tprod {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : OverColor C} (p : (i : X.left) → (F.obj { as := X.hom i }).V) (q : (i : Y.left) → (F.obj { as := Y.hom i }).V) :
                  theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.μ_tmul_tprod {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : OverColor C} (p : (i : X.left) → (F.obj { as := X.hom i }).V) (q : (i : Y.left) → (F.obj { as := Y.hom i }).V) :
                  theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.μ_tmul_tprod_mk {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : Type} {cX : XC} {cY : YC} (p : (i : X) → (F.obj { as := cX i }).V) (q : (i : Y) → (F.obj { as := cY i }).V) :

                  The Functor (OverColor C) (Rep k G) from a functor Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G.

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                  Instances For
                    def IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.mapApp' {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] {F F' : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)} (η : F F') (X : OverColor C) :
                    (obj' F).obj X (obj' F').obj X

                    The maps for a natural transformation between obj' F and obj' F'.

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                    Instances For

                      Given a natural transformation between F F' : Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G the monoidal natural transformation between obj' F and obj' F'.

                      Instances For

                        The lift of a natural transformation is monoidal.

                        The functor taking functors in Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G to monoidal functors in BraidedFunctor (OverColor C) (Rep k G), built on the PiTensorProduct.

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.lift.map_tprod {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) {X Y : OverColor C} (f : X Y) (p : (i : X.left) → (F.obj { as := X.hom i }).V) :

                          The natural inclusion of Discrete C into OverColor C.

                          Instances For

                            The forgetful map from BraidedFunctor (OverColor C) (Rep k G) to Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G built on the inclusion incl and forgetting the monoidal structure.

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              def IndexNotation.OverColor.forgetLiftAppV {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) (c : C) :
                              ((lift.obj F).obj (mk fun (x : Fin 1) => c)).V ≃ₗ[k] (F.obj { as := c }).V

                              The forgetLiftAppV function takes an object c of type C and returns a linear equivalence between the vector space obtained by applying the lift of F and that obtained by applying F. #

                              Instances For
                                theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.forgetLiftAppV_symm_apply {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) (c : C) (x : (F.obj { as := c }).V) :
                                (forgetLiftAppV F c).symm x = (PiTensorProduct.tprod k) fun (x_1 : ( Type).obj (mk fun (x : Fin 1) => c).left) => x
                                def IndexNotation.OverColor.forgetLiftApp {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) (c : C) :
                                (lift.obj F).obj (mk fun (x : Fin 1) => c) F.obj { as := c }

                                The forgetLiftAppV function takes an object c of type C and returns a isomorphism between the objects obtained by applying the lift of F and that obtained by applying F.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem IndexNotation.OverColor.forgetLiftApp_hom_hom_apply_eq {C k : Type} [CommRing k] {G : Type} [Group G] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor (CategoryTheory.Discrete C) (Rep k G)) (c : C) (x : ((lift.obj F).obj (mk fun (x : Fin 1) => c)).V) (y : (F.obj { as := c }).V) :

                                  The isomorphism between the representation (lift.obj F).obj ( ![c]) and the representation F.obj ( c). See forgetLiftApp for an alternative version.

                                  Instances For

                                    The natural isomorphism between lift (C := C) ⋙ forget and (Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G).

                                    Instances For