Finite target quantum mechanics #
The phrase 'finite target' is used to describe quantum mechanical systems where the Hilbert space is finite.
A finite target quantum mechanical system with hilbert-space of dimension n
and Plank constant ℏ
is described by a self-adjoint n × n
The Hamiltonian, written with respect to the standard basis on
Fin n → ℂ
.- H_selfAdjoint : self.H.IsHermitian
Instances For
noncomputable def
{n : ℕ}
{ℏ : ℝ}
{hℏ : 0 < ℏ}
(A : FiniteTarget n hℏ)
(t : ℝ)
Given a finite target QM system A
, the time evolution matrix for a t : ℝ
A.timeEvolutionMatrix t
is defined as e ^ (- I t /ℏ * A.H)
- A.timeEvolutionMatrix t = NormedSpace.exp ℂ (-(Complex.I * ↑t / ↑ℏ) • A.H)
Instances For
noncomputable def
{n : ℕ}
{ℏ : ℝ}
{hℏ : 0 < ℏ}
(A : FiniteTarget n hℏ)
(t : ℝ)
Given a finite target QM system A
, timeEvolution
is the linear map from
to A.V
obtained by multiplication with timeEvolutionMatrix
- A.timeEvolution t = (LinearMap.toMatrix (Pi.basisFun ℂ (Fin n)) (Pi.basisFun ℂ (Fin n))).symm (A.timeEvolutionMatrix t)