PhysLean Documentation


Momentum in Feynman diagrams #

The aim of this file is to associate with each half-edge of a Feynman diagram a momentum, and constrain the momentums based conservation at each vertex and edge.

The number of loops of a Feynman diagram is related to the dimension of the resulting vector space.


Note #

This section is non-computable as we depend on the norm on F.HalfEdgeMomenta.

Vector spaces associated with momenta in Feynman diagrams. #

We define the vector space associated with momenta carried by half-edges, outflowing momenta of edges, and inflowing momenta of vertices.

We define the direct sum of the edge and vertex momentum spaces.

The type which associates to each half-edge a 1-dimensional vector space. Corresponding to that spanned by its momentum.

Instances For

    The half momenta carries the structure of an additive commutative group.


    The half momenta carries the structure of a module over ℝ. Defined via its target.


    An auxiliary function used to define the Euclidean inner product on F.HalfEdgeMomenta.

    Instances For

      The Euclidean inner product on F.HalfEdgeMomenta.

      Instances For

        The type which associates to each edge a 1-dimensional vector space. Corresponding to that spanned by its total outflowing momentum.

        Instances For

          The edge momenta form an additive commutative group.


          The edge momenta form a module over ℝ.


          The type which associates to each edge a 1-dimensional vector space. Corresponding to that spanned by its total inflowing momentum.

          Instances For

            The vertex momenta carries the structure of an additive commutative group.


            The vertex momenta carries the structure of a module over ℝ.


            The target of the map EdgeVertexMomentaMap is either the type of edge momenta or vertex momenta and thus carries the structure of an additive commutative group.


            The target of the map EdgeVertexMomentaMap is either the type of edge momenta or vertex momenta and thus carries the structure of a module over ℝ.


            Linear maps between the vector spaces. #

            We define various maps into F.HalfEdgeMomenta.

            In particular, we define a map from F.EdgeVertexMomenta to F.HalfEdgeMomenta. This map represents the space orthogonal (with respect to the standard Euclidean inner product) to the allowed momenta of half-edges (up-to an offset determined by the external momenta).

            The number of loops of a diagram is defined as the number of half-edges minus the rank of this matrix.

            The linear map from F.EdgeMomenta to F.HalfEdgeMomenta induced by the map F.𝓱𝓔To𝓔.hom.

            Instances For

              The linear map from F.VertexMomenta to F.HalfEdgeMomenta induced by the map F.𝓱𝓔Toπ“₯.hom.

              Instances For

                Submodules #

                We define submodules of F.HalfEdgeMomenta which correspond to the orthogonal space to allowed momenta (up-to an offset), and the space of allowed momenta.

                Number of loops #

                We define the number of loops of a Feynman diagram as the dimension of the allowed space of half-edge momenta.

                The number of loops of a Feynman diagram. Defined as the dimension of the space of allowed Half-loop momenta.

                Instances For

                  Lemmas regarding numberOfLoops #

                  We now give a series of lemmas which be used to help calculate the number of loops for specific Feynman diagrams.

                  TODO #

                  Category theory #

                  TODO #