PhysLean Documentation


Feynman diagrams #

Feynman diagrams are a graphical representation of the terms in the perturbation expansion of a quantum field theory.

The definition of Pre Feynman rules #

We define the notion of a pre-Feynman rule, which specifies the possible half-edges, edges and vertices in a diagram. It does not specify how to turn a diagram into an algebraic expression.


Prove that the halfEdgeLimit functor lands on limits of functors.

structure PreFeynmanRule :

A PreFeynmanRule is a set of rules specifying the allowed half-edges, edges and vertices in a diagram. (It does not specify how to turn the diagram into an algebraic expression.)

  • HalfEdgeLabel : Type

    The type labelling the different types of half-edges.

  • EdgeLabel : Type

    A type labelling the different types of edges.

  • VertexLabel : Type

    A type labelling the different types of vertices.

  • edgeLabelMap : self.EdgeLabelCategoryTheory.Over self.HalfEdgeLabel

    A function taking EdgeLabels to the half edges it contains. This will usually land on Fin 2 → _

  • vertexLabelMap : self.VertexLabelCategoryTheory.Over self.HalfEdgeLabel

    A function taking VertexLabels to the half edges it contains. For example, if the vertex is of order-3 it will land on Fin 3 → _.

Instances For

    The functor from Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × P.EdgeLabel × P.VertexLabel) to Over (P.VertexLabel) induced by projections on products.

    Instances For

      The functor from Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × P.EdgeLabel × P.VertexLabel) to Over (P.EdgeLabel) induced by projections on products.

      Instances For
        theorem PreFeynmanRule.toEdge_map_left (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} {X✝ Y✝ : CategoryTheory.Comma ( Type) (CategoryTheory.Functor.fromPUnit (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥))} (f : X✝ Y✝) (a✝ : X✝.left) :
        ( f).left a✝ = f.left a✝

        The functor from Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × P.EdgeLabel × P.VertexLabel) to Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel) induced by projections on products.

        Instances For
          theorem PreFeynmanRule.toHalfEdge_map_left (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} {X✝ Y✝ : CategoryTheory.Comma ( Type) (CategoryTheory.Functor.fromPUnit (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥))} (f : X✝ Y✝) (a✝ : X✝.left) :
          ( f).left a✝ = f.left a✝

          The functor from Over P.VertexLabel to Type induced by pull-back along insertion of v : P.VertexLabel.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem PreFeynmanRule.preimageType'_obj {𝓥 : Type} (v : 𝓥) (f : CategoryTheory.Over 𝓥) :
            (preimageType' v).obj f = ↑(f.hom ⁻¹' {v})
            theorem PreFeynmanRule.preimageType'_map_coe {𝓥 : Type} (v : 𝓥) {f g : CategoryTheory.Over 𝓥} (F : f g) (x : ↑(f.hom ⁻¹' {v})) :
            ((preimageType' v).map F x) = F.left x

            The functor from Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥) to Over P.HalfEdgeLabel induced by pull-back along insertion of v : P.VertexLabel. For a given vertex, it returns all half edges corresponding to that vertex.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              The functor from Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × P.EdgeLabel × P.VertexLabel) to Over P.HalfEdgeLabel induced by pull-back along insertion of v : P.EdgeLabel. For a given edge, it returns all half edges corresponding to that edge.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                Finiteness of pre-Feynman rules #

                We define a class of PreFeynmanRule which have nice properties with regard to decidability and finiteness.

                In practice, every pre-Feynman rule considered in the physics literature satisfies these properties.

                A set of conditions on PreFeynmanRule for it to be considered finite.


                  If P is a finite pre feynman rule, then equality of edge labels of P is decidable.


                  If P is a finite pre feynman rule, then equality of vertex labels of P is decidable.


                  It is decidable to check whether a half edge of a diagram (an object in Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) corresponds to a given vertex.


                  It is decidable to check whether a half edge of a diagram (an object in Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) corresponds to a given edge.


                  If F is an object in Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥), with a decidable source, then the object in Over P.HalfEdgeLabel formed by following the functor preimageVertex has a decidable source (since it is the same source).


                  The half edges corresponding to a given edge has an indexing set which is decidable.

                  instance PreFeynmanRule.preimageVertexFintype (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} [DecidableEq 𝓥] (v : 𝓥) (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) [h : Fintype F.left] :

                  The half edges corresponding to a given vertex has an indexing set which is decidable.

                  instance PreFeynmanRule.preimageEdgeFintype (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} [DecidableEq 𝓔] (v : 𝓔) (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) [h : Fintype F.left] :

                  The half edges corresponding to a given edge has an indexing set which is finite.

                  instance PreFeynmanRule.preimageVertexMapFintype (P : PreFeynmanRule) [P.IsFinitePreFeynmanRule] {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} [DecidableEq 𝓥] (v : 𝓥) (f : 𝓥 P.VertexLabel) (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) [Fintype F.left] :
                  Fintype ((P.vertexLabelMap (f v)).left((P.preimageVertex v).obj F).left)

                  The half edges corresponding to a given vertex has an indexing set which is finite.

                  instance PreFeynmanRule.preimageEdgeMapFintype (P : PreFeynmanRule) [P.IsFinitePreFeynmanRule] {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} [DecidableEq 𝓔] (v : 𝓔) (f : 𝓔 P.EdgeLabel) (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) [Fintype F.left] :
                  Fintype ((P.edgeLabelMap (f v)).left((P.preimageEdge v).obj F).left)

                  Given an edge, there is a finite number of maps between the indexing set of the expected half-edges corresponding to that edges label, and the actual indexing set of half-edges corresponding to that edge. Given various finiteness conditions.


                  External and internal Vertices #

                  We say a vertex Label is external if it has only one half-edge associated with it. Otherwise, we say it is internal.

                  We will show that for IsFinitePreFeynmanRule the condition of been external is decidable.

                  A vertex is external if it has a single half-edge associated to it.

                  Instances For

                    Whether or not a vertex is external is decidable.


                    Conditions to form a diagram. #

                    The proposition on vertices which must be satisfied by an object F : Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × P.EdgeLabel × P.VertexLabel) for it to be a Feynman diagram. This condition corresponds to the vertices of F having the correct half-edges associated with them.

                    Instances For
                      def PreFeynmanRule.DiagramEdgeProp (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) (f : 𝓔 P.EdgeLabel) :

                      The proposition on edges which must be satisfied by an object F : Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × P.EdgeLabel × P.VertexLabel) for it to be a Feynman diagram. This condition corresponds to the edges of F having the correct half-edges associated with them.

                      Instances For
                        theorem PreFeynmanRule.diagramVertexProp_iff (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) (f : 𝓥 P.VertexLabel) :
                        P.DiagramVertexProp F f ∀ (v : 𝓥), ∃ (κ : (P.vertexLabelMap (f v)).left((P.preimageVertex v).obj F).left), Function.Bijective κ ((P.preimageVertex v).obj F).hom κ = (P.vertexLabelMap (f v)).hom
                        theorem PreFeynmanRule.diagramEdgeProp_iff (P : PreFeynmanRule) {𝓔 𝓥 : Type} (F : CategoryTheory.Over (P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥)) (f : 𝓔 P.EdgeLabel) :
                        P.DiagramEdgeProp F f ∀ (v : 𝓔), ∃ (κ : (P.edgeLabelMap (f v)).left((P.preimageEdge v).obj F).left), Function.Bijective κ ((P.preimageEdge v).obj F).hom κ = (P.edgeLabelMap (f v)).hom

                        The proposition DiagramVertexProp is decidable given various decidability and finite conditions.


                        The proposition DiagramEdgeProp is decidable given various decidability and finite conditions.


                        The definition of Feynman diagrams #

                        We now define the type of Feynman diagrams for a given pre-Feynman rule.

                        The type of Feynman diagrams given a PreFeynmanRule.

                        Instances For

                          The type of edges.

                          Instances For

                            The type of vertices.

                            Instances For

                              The type of half-edges.

                              Instances For

                                The object in Over P.HalfEdgeLabel generated by a Feynman diagram.

                                Instances For

                                  The map F.𝓱𝓔 → F.𝓔 as an object in Over F.𝓔 .

                                  Instances For

                                    The map F.𝓱𝓔 → F.𝓥 as an object in Over F.𝓥 .

                                    Instances For

                                      Making a Feynman diagram #

                                      def FeynmanDiagram.Cond {P : PreFeynmanRule} {𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 : Type} (𝓔𝓞 : 𝓔P.EdgeLabel) (𝓥𝓞 : 𝓥P.VertexLabel) (𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥 : 𝓱𝓔P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥) :

                                      The condition which must be satisfied by maps to form a Feynman diagram.

                                      Instances For
                                        instance FeynmanDiagram.CondDecidable {P : PreFeynmanRule} [P.IsFinitePreFeynmanRule] {𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 : Type} (𝓔𝓞 : 𝓔P.EdgeLabel) (𝓥𝓞 : 𝓥P.VertexLabel) (𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥 : 𝓱𝓔P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥) [Fintype 𝓥] [DecidableEq 𝓥] [Fintype 𝓔] [DecidableEq 𝓔] [h : Fintype 𝓱𝓔] [DecidableEq 𝓱𝓔] :
                                        Decidable (Cond 𝓔𝓞 𝓥𝓞 𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥)

                                        Cond is decidable.

                                        def' {P : PreFeynmanRule} {𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 : Type} (𝓔𝓞 : 𝓔P.EdgeLabel) (𝓥𝓞 : 𝓥P.VertexLabel) (𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥 : 𝓱𝓔P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥) (C : Cond 𝓔𝓞 𝓥𝓞 𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥) :

                                        Making a Feynman diagram from maps of edges, vertices and half-edges.

                                        Instances For

                                          Finiteness of Feynman diagrams #

                                          As defined above our Feynman diagrams can have non-finite Types of half-edges etc. We define the class of those Feynman diagrams which are finite in the appropriate sense. In practice, every Feynman diagram considered in the physics literature is finite.

                                          This finiteness condition will be used to prove certain Types are Fintype, and prove that certain propositions are decidable.

                                          A set of conditions on a Feynman diagram for it to be considered finite.

                                            instance FeynmanDiagram.instIsFiniteDiagramMk'OfFintypeOfDecidableEq {P : PreFeynmanRule} {𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 : Type} [h1 : Fintype 𝓔] [h2 : DecidableEq 𝓔] [h3 : Fintype 𝓥] [h4 : DecidableEq 𝓥] [h5 : Fintype 𝓱𝓔] [h6 : DecidableEq 𝓱𝓔] (𝓔𝓞 : 𝓔P.EdgeLabel) (𝓥𝓞 : 𝓥P.VertexLabel) (𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥 : 𝓱𝓔P.HalfEdgeLabel × 𝓔 × 𝓥) (C : Cond 𝓔𝓞 𝓥𝓞 𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥) :
                                            (mk' 𝓔𝓞 𝓥𝓞 𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥 C).IsFiniteDiagram

                                            The instance of a finite diagram given explicit finiteness and decidable conditions on the various maps making it up.


                                            For a finite feynman diagram, the type of half edge labels, edges and vertices is decidable.


                                            Morphisms of Feynman diagrams #

                                            We define a morphism between Feynman diagrams, and properties thereof. This will be used to define the category of Feynman diagrams.

                                            Given two maps F.𝓔 ⟶ G.𝓔 and F.𝓥 ⟶ G.𝓥 the corresponding map P.HalfEdgeLabel × F.𝓔 × F.𝓥 → P.HalfEdgeLabel × G.𝓔 × G.𝓥.

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem FeynmanDiagram.edgeVertexMap_snd {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔 G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥 G.𝓥) (a✝ : P.HalfEdgeLabel × F.𝓔 × F.𝓥) :
                                              (edgeVertexMap 𝓔 𝓥 a✝).2 = (𝓔 a✝.2.1, 𝓥 a✝.2.2)
                                              theorem FeynmanDiagram.edgeVertexMap_fst {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔 G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥 G.𝓥) (a✝ : P.HalfEdgeLabel × F.𝓔 × F.𝓥) :
                                              (edgeVertexMap 𝓔 𝓥 a✝).1 = a✝.1

                                              Given equivalences F.𝓔 ≃ G.𝓔 and F.𝓥 ≃ G.𝓥, the induced equivalence between P.HalfEdgeLabel × F.𝓔 × F.𝓥 and P.HalfEdgeLabel × G.𝓔 × G.𝓥

                                              Instances For
                                                theorem FeynmanDiagram.edgeVertexFunc_map_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔 G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥 G.𝓥) {X✝ Y✝ : CategoryTheory.Comma ( Type) (CategoryTheory.Functor.fromPUnit (P.HalfEdgeLabel × F.𝓔 × F.𝓥))} (f : X✝ Y✝) (a✝ : X✝.left) :
                                                ((edgeVertexFunc 𝓔 𝓥).map f).left a✝ = f.left a✝

                                                A morphism of Feynman diagrams.

                                                Instances For
                                                  def FeynmanDiagram.Hom.𝓔 {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : F.Hom G) :

                                                  The map F.𝓔 → G.𝓔 induced by a homomorphism of Feynman diagrams.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    def FeynmanDiagram.Hom.𝓥 {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : F.Hom G) :

                                                    The map F.𝓥 → G.𝓥 induced by a homomorphism of Feynman diagrams.

                                                    Instances For

                                                      The map F.𝓱𝓔 → G.𝓱𝓔 induced by a homomorphism of Feynman diagrams.

                                                      Instances For

                                                        The morphism F.𝓱𝓔𝓞 ⟶ G.𝓱𝓔𝓞 induced by a homomorphism of Feynman diagrams.

                                                        Instances For

                                                          The identity morphism for a Feynman diagram.

                                                          Instances For
                                                            def FeynmanDiagram.Hom.comp {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G H : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : F.Hom G) (g : G.Hom H) :
                                                            F.Hom H

                                                            The composition of two morphisms of Feynman diagrams.

                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                            Instances For
                                                              theorem FeynmanDiagram.Hom.comp_𝓔𝓞_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G H : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : F.Hom G) (g : G.Hom H) (a✝ : F.𝓔𝓞.left) :
                                                              (f.comp g).𝓔𝓞.left a✝ = g.𝓔𝓞.left (f.𝓔𝓞.left a✝)
                                                              theorem FeynmanDiagram.Hom.comp_𝓥𝓞_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G H : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : F.Hom G) (g : G.Hom H) (a✝ : F.𝓥𝓞.left) :
                                                              (f.comp g).𝓥𝓞.left a✝ = g.𝓥𝓞.left (f.𝓥𝓞.left a✝)
                                                              theorem FeynmanDiagram.Hom.ext' {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} {f g : F.Hom G} (h𝓔 : f.𝓔𝓞 = g.𝓔𝓞) (h𝓥 : f.𝓥𝓞 = g.𝓥𝓞) (h𝓱𝓔 : f.𝓱𝓔 = g.𝓱𝓔) :
                                                              f = g
                                                              theorem FeynmanDiagram.Hom.ext {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} {f g : F.Hom G} (h𝓔 : f.𝓔 = g.𝓔) (h𝓥 : f.𝓥 = g.𝓥) (h𝓱𝓔 : f.𝓱𝓔 = g.𝓱𝓔) :
                                                              f = g
                                                              def FeynmanDiagram.Hom.Cond {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔G.𝓱𝓔) :

                                                              The condition on maps of edges, vertices and half-edges for it to be lifted to a morphism of Feynman diagrams.

                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                              Instances For
                                                                theorem FeynmanDiagram.Hom.cond_symm {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔 G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥 G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔 G.𝓱𝓔) (h : Cond 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔) :
                                                                Cond 𝓔.symm 𝓥.symm 𝓱𝓔.symm

                                                                If 𝓔 is a map between the edges of one finite Feynman diagram and another Feynman diagram, then deciding whether 𝓔 from a morphism in Over P.EdgeLabel between the edge maps is decidable.


                                                                If 𝓥 is a map between the vertices of one finite Feynman diagram and another Feynman diagram, then deciding whether 𝓥 from a morphism in Over P.VertexLabel between the vertex maps is decidable.


                                                                Given maps between parts of two Feynman diagrams, it is decidable to determine whether on mapping half-edges, the corresponding half-edge labels, edges and vertices are consistent.

                                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                                                                The condition on whether a map of maps of edges, vertices and half-edges can be lifted to a morphism of Feynman diagrams is decidable.

                                                                def' {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔G.𝓱𝓔) (C : Cond 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔) :
                                                                F.Hom G

                                                                Making a Feynman diagram from maps of edges, vertices and half-edges.

                                                                Instances For
                                                                  theorem'_𝓔𝓞_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔G.𝓱𝓔) (C : Cond 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔) (a✝ : F.𝓔) :
                                                                  (mk' 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 C).𝓔𝓞.left a✝ = 𝓔 a✝
                                                                  theorem'_𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔G.𝓱𝓔) (C : Cond 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔) (a✝ : F.𝓱𝓔) :
                                                                  (mk' 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 C).𝓱𝓔To𝓔𝓥.left a✝ = 𝓱𝓔 a✝
                                                                  theorem'_𝓥𝓞_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔G.𝓱𝓔) (C : Cond 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔) (a✝ : F.𝓥) :
                                                                  (mk' 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔 C).𝓥𝓞.left a✝ = 𝓥 a✝

                                                                  The Category of Feynman diagrams #

                                                                  Feynman diagrams, as defined above, form a category. We will be able to use this category to define the symmetry factor of a Feynman diagram, and the condition on whether a diagram is connected.

                                                                  theorem FeynmanDiagram.instCategory_comp_𝓔𝓞_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {X✝ Y✝ Z✝ : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : X✝.Hom Y✝) (g : Y✝.Hom Z✝) (a✝ : X✝.𝓔𝓞.left) :
                                                                  theorem FeynmanDiagram.instCategory_comp_𝓥𝓞_left {P : PreFeynmanRule} {X✝ Y✝ Z✝ : FeynmanDiagram P} (f : X✝.Hom Y✝) (g : Y✝.Hom Z✝) (a✝ : X✝.𝓥𝓞.left) :
                                                                  def FeynmanDiagram.mkIso {P : PreFeynmanRule} {F G : FeynmanDiagram P} (𝓔 : F.𝓔 G.𝓔) (𝓥 : F.𝓥 G.𝓥) (𝓱𝓔 : F.𝓱𝓔 G.𝓱𝓔) (C : Hom.Cond 𝓔 𝓥 𝓱𝓔) :
                                                                  F G

                                                                  An isomorphism of Feynman diagrams from isomorphisms of edges, vertices and half-edges.

                                                                  Instances For

                                                                    The functor from Feynman diagrams to category over edge labels.

                                                                    Instances For

                                                                      The functor from Feynman diagrams to category over vertex labels.

                                                                      Instances For

                                                                        The functor from Feynman diagrams to category over half-edge labels.

                                                                        Instances For

                                                                          The functor from Feynman diagrams to Type landing on edges.

                                                                          Instances For

                                                                            The functor from Feynman diagrams to Type landing on vertices.

                                                                            Instances For

                                                                              The functor from Feynman diagrams to Type landing on half-edges.

                                                                              Instances For

                                                                                Symmetry factors #

                                                                                The symmetry factor of a Feynman diagram is the cardinality of the group of automorphisms of that diagram.

                                                                                We show that the symmetry factor for a finite Feynman diagram is finite.

                                                                                The type of isomorphisms of a Feynman diagram.

                                                                                Instances For

                                                                                  An equivalence between SymmetryType and permutation of edges, vertices and half-edges satisfying Hom.Cond.

                                                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                  Instances For

                                                                                    For a finite Feynman diagram, the type of automorphisms of that Feynman diagram is finite.

                                                                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                                                                                    The symmetry factor can be defined as the cardinal of the symmetry type. In general this is not a finite number.

                                                                                    Instances For

                                                                                      The symmetry factor of a Finite Feynman diagram, as a natural number.

                                                                                      Instances For

                                                                                        Connectedness #

                                                                                        Given a Feynman diagram we can create a simple graph based on the obvious adjacency relation. A feynman diagram is connected if its simple graph is connected.

                                                                                        TODO #

                                                                                        A relation on the vertices of Feynman diagrams. The proposition is true if the two vertices are not equal and are connected by a single edge. This is the adjacency relation.

                                                                                        Instances For

                                                                                          From a Feynman diagram the simple graph showing those vertices which are connected.

                                                                                          Instances For

                                                                                            For a finite feynman diagram it is decidable whether it is preconnected and has the Feynman diagram has a non-empty type of vertices.


                                                                                            A Feynman diagram is connected if its simple graph is connected.

                                                                                            Instances For