PhysLean Documentation


Permutations of SM with no RHN. #

We define the group of permutations for the SM charges with no RHN.

def SM.PermGroup (n : ) :

The group of Sₙ permutations for each species.

Instances For

    The type PermGroup n inherits the instance of a group from it's target space Equiv.Perm.


    The image of an element of permGroup n under the representation on charges.

    Instances For
      theorem SM.chargeMap_apply {n : } (f : PermGroup n) (S : (SMCharges n).Charges) :
      (chargeMap f) S = SMCharges.toSpeciesEquiv.symm fun (i : Fin 5) => (SMCharges.toSpecies i) S (f i)

      The representation of (permGroup n) acting on the vector space of charges.

      Instances For
        theorem SM.repCharges_toSpecies {n : } (f : PermGroup n) (S : (SMCharges n).Charges) (j : Fin 5) :

        The species charges of a set of charges acted on by a family permutation is the permutation of those species charges with the corresponding part of the family permutation.

        theorem SM.toSpecies_sum_invariant {n : } (m : ) (f : PermGroup n) (S : (SMCharges n).Charges) (j : Fin 5) :
        i : Fin (SMSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ m) (SMCharges.toSpecies j) ((repCharges f) S)) i = i : Fin (SMSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ m) (SMCharges.toSpecies j) S) i

        The sum over every charge in any species to some power m is invariant under the group action.

        The gravitational anomaly equations is invariant under family permutations.

        The SU(2) anomaly equation is invariant under family permutations.

        The SU(3) anomaly equation is invariant under family permutations.

        The anomaly equation is invariant under family permutations.

        The quadratic anomaly equation is invariant under family permutations.

        The cubic anomaly equation is invariant under family permutations.