Anomaly Cancellation in the Standard Model without Gravity #
This file defines the system of anomaly equations for the SM without RHN, and without the gravitational ACC.
The ACC system for the standard model without RHN and without the gravitational ACC.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The charges in (SMNoGrav n).LinSols
satisfy the SU(2)
The charges in (SMNoGrav n).LinSols
satisfy the SU(3)
The charges in (SMNoGrav n).Sols
satisfy the cubic anomaly-equation.
An element of charges
which satisfies the linear ACCs
gives us a element of AnomalyFreeLinear
- SM.SMNoGrav.chargeToLinear S hSU2 hSU3 = { val := S, linearSol := ⋯ }
Instances For
An element of AnomalyFreeLinear
which satisfies the quadratic ACCs
gives us a element of AnomalyFreeQuad
- SM.SMNoGrav.linearToQuad S = { toLinSols := S, quadSol := ⋯ }
Instances For
An element of AnomalyFreeQuad
which satisfies the quadratic ACCs
gives us a element of AnomalyFree
- SM.SMNoGrav.quadToAF S hc = { toQuadSols := S, cubicSol := hc }
Instances For
An element of charges
which satisfies the linear and quadratic ACCs
gives us a element of AnomalyFreeQuad
- SM.SMNoGrav.chargeToQuad S hSU2 hSU3 = SM.SMNoGrav.linearToQuad (SM.SMNoGrav.chargeToLinear S hSU2 hSU3)
Instances For
An element of charges
which satisfies the linear, quadratic and cubic ACCs
gives us a element of AnomalyFree
- SM.SMNoGrav.chargeToAF S hSU2 hSU3 hc = SM.SMNoGrav.quadToAF (SM.SMNoGrav.chargeToQuad S hSU2 hSU3) hc
Instances For
An element of AnomalyFreeLinear
which satisfies the quadratic and cubic ACCs
gives us a element of AnomalyFree