PhysLean Documentation


Family maps for the Standard Model ACCs #

We define the a series of maps between the charges for different numbers of families.

Given a map of for a generic species, the corresponding map for charges.

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Instances For

    The projection of the m-family charges onto the first n-family charges for species.

    Instances For
      theorem SM.speciesFamilyProj_apply {m n : } (h : n m) (S : (SMSpecies m).Charges) (a✝ : Fin (SMSpecies n).numberCharges) :
      (speciesFamilyProj h) S a✝ = S (Fin.castLE h a✝)

      The projection of the m-family charges onto the first n-family charges.

      Instances For

        For species, the embedding of the m-family charges onto the n-family charges, with all other charges zero.

        Instances For
          theorem SM.speciesEmbed_apply (m n : ) (S : (SMSpecies m).Charges) (i : Fin (SMSpecies n).numberCharges) :
          (speciesEmbed m n) S i = if hi : i < m then S i, hi else 0

          The embedding of the m-family charges onto the n-family charges, with all other charges zero.

          Instances For

            For species, the embedding of the 1-family charges into the n-family charges in a universal manner.

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            Instances For

              The embedding of the 1-family charges into the n-family charges in a universal manner.

              Instances For