PhysLean Documentation


The pointwise inner product #

We define the pointwise inner product of two Higgs fields.

The notation for the inner product is ⟪φ, ψ⟫_H.

We also define the pointwise norm squared of a Higgs field ∥φ∥_H ^ 2.

The pointwise inner product #

Given two HiggsField, the map SpaceTime → ℂ obtained by taking their pointwise inner product.

Instances For

    Notation for the inner product of two Higgs fields.

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    Instances For

      Properties of the inner product #

      theorem StandardModel.HiggsField.innerProd_expand' (φ1 φ2 : HiggsField) (x : SpaceTime) :
      φ1.innerProd φ2 x = (starRingEnd ((fun (x : Fin 2) => ) 0)) (φ1 x 0) * φ2 x 0 + (starRingEnd ((fun (x : Fin 2) => ) 1)) (φ1 x 1) * φ2 x 1

      Expands the inner product on Higgs fields in terms of complex components of the Higgs fields.

      theorem StandardModel.HiggsField.innerProd_expand (φ1 φ2 : HiggsField) :
      φ1.innerProd φ2 = fun (x : SpaceTime) => Complex.equivRealProdCLM.symm ((φ1 x 0).re * (φ2 x 0).re + (φ1 x 1).re * (φ2 x 1).re + (φ1 x 0).im * (φ2 x 0).im + (φ1 x 1).im * (φ2 x 1).im, (φ1 x 0).re * (φ2 x 0).im + (φ1 x 1).re * (φ2 x 1).im - (φ1 x 0).im * (φ2 x 0).re - (φ1 x 1).im * (φ2 x 1).re)

      Expands the inner product on Higgs fields in terms of real components of the Higgs fields.

      The pointwise norm squared #

      Given an element φ of HiggsField, normSq φ is defined as the the function SpaceTime → ℝ obtained by taking the square norm of the pointwise Higgs vector. In other words, normSq φ x = ‖φ x‖ ^ 2.

      The notation ‖φ‖_H^2 is used for the normSq φ.

      Instances For

        Given an element φ of HiggsField, normSq φ is defined as the the function SpaceTime → ℝ obtained by taking the square norm of the pointwise Higgs vector. In other words, normSq φ x = ‖φ x‖ ^ 2.

        The notation ‖φ‖_H^2 is used for the normSq φ.

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        Instances For

          Relation between inner prod and norm squared #

          Properties of the norm squared #

          theorem StandardModel.HiggsField.normSq_expand (φ : HiggsField) :
          φ.normSq = fun (x : SpaceTime) => ((starRingEnd ((fun (x : Fin 2) => ) 0)) (φ x 0) * φ x 0 + (starRingEnd ((fun (x : Fin 2) => ) 1)) (φ x 1) * φ x 1).re

          The expansion of the norm squared of into components.

          The norm squared of a higgs field at any point is non-negative.

          If the norm square of a Higgs field at a point x is zero, then the Higgs field at that point is zero.

          The norm squared of the Higgs field is a smooth function on space-time.

          theorem StandardModel.HiggsField.ofReal_normSq {a : } (ha : 0 a) (x : SpaceTime) :
          (ofReal a).normSq x = a

          The norm-squared of the Higgs field HiggsField.ofReal a for a non-negative real number a, is equal to a.