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The group SO(3) #

The group of 3×3 real matrices with determinant 1 and A * Aᵀ = 1.

Instances For
    theorem GroupTheory.SO3Group_inv (A : SO3) :
    A⁻¹ = (↑A).transpose,
    theorem GroupTheory.SO3Group_mul_coe (A B : SO3) :
    ↑(A * B) = A * B

    Notation for the group SO3.

    Instances For
      theorem GroupTheory.SO3.coe_inv (A : SO3) :
      A⁻¹ = (↑A)⁻¹

      The inclusion of SO(3) into GL (Fin 3) ℝ.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        The inclusion of SO(3) into GL(3,ℝ) is an injection.

        The inclusion of SO(3) into the monoid of matrices times the opposite of the monoid of matrices.

        Instances For
          theorem GroupTheory.SO3.toProd_apply (a✝ : SO3) :
          toProd a✝ = ((toGL a✝), (MulOpposite.op (toGL a✝))⁻¹)
          theorem GroupTheory.SO3.toProd_eq_transpose {A : SO3} :
          toProd A = (A, { unop' := (↑A).transpose })

          The embedding of SO(3) into the monoid of matrices times the opposite of the monoid of matrices.

          The embedding of SO(3) into GL (Fin 3) ℝ.

          The instance of a topological group on SO(3), defined through the embedding of SO(3) into GL(n).

          theorem GroupTheory.SO3.det_minus_id (A : SO3) :
          (A - 1).det = 0

          The determinant of an SO(3) matrix minus the identity is equal to zero.

          theorem GroupTheory.SO3.det_id_minus (A : SO3) :
          (1 - A).det = 0

          The determinant of the identity minus an SO(3) matrix is zero.


          For every matrix in SO(3), the real number 1 is in its spectrum.

          The endomorphism of EuclideanSpace ℝ (Fin 3) associated to a element of SO(3).

          Instances For

            Every SO(3) matrix has an eigenvalue equal to 1.

            theorem GroupTheory.SO3.exists_stationary_vec (A : SO3) :
            ∃ (v : EuclideanSpace (Fin 3)), Orthonormal ({0}.restrict fun (x : Fin 3) => v) A.toEnd v = v

            For every element of SO(3) there exists a vector which remains unchanged under the action of that SO(3) element.

            For every element of SO(3) there exists a basis indexed by Fin 3 under which the first element remains invariant.