PhysLean Documentation


Matrices #

This file contains basic results on matrices including bundled versions of matrix operators.

Implementation notes #

For convenience, Matrix m n α is defined as m → n → α, as this allows elements of the matrix to be accessed with A i j. However, it is not advisable to construct matrices using terms of the form fun i j ↦ _ or even (fun i j ↦ _ : Matrix m n α), as these are not recognized by Lean as having the right type. Instead, Matrix.of should be used.


Under various conditions, multiplication of infinite matrices makes sense. These have not yet been implemented.

instance Matrix.instFintypeOfDecidableEq {n : Type u_10} {m : Type u_11} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] (α : Type u_12) [Fintype α] :
Fintype (Matrix m n α)
instance Matrix.instFinite {n : Type u_10} {m : Type u_11} [Finite m] [Finite n] (α : Type u_12) [Finite α] :
Finite (Matrix m n α)
def Matrix.ofLinearEquiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
(mnα) ≃ₗ[R] Matrix m n α

This is Matrix.of bundled as a linear equivalence.

Instances For
    theorem Matrix.coe_ofLinearEquiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
    (ofLinearEquiv R) = of
    theorem Matrix.coe_ofLinearEquiv_symm {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
    theorem Matrix.sum_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [AddCommMonoid α] (i : m) (j : n) (s : Finset β) (g : βMatrix m n α) :
    (∑ cs, g c) i j = cs, g c i j
    def Matrix.diagonalAddMonoidHom (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [DecidableEq n] [AddZeroClass α] :
    (nα) →+ Matrix n n α

    Matrix.diagonal as an AddMonoidHom.

    Instances For
      theorem Matrix.diagonalAddMonoidHom_apply (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [DecidableEq n] [AddZeroClass α] (d : nα) :
      def Matrix.diagonalLinearMap (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [DecidableEq n] [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
      (nα) →ₗ[R] Matrix n n α

      Matrix.diagonal as a LinearMap.

      Instances For
        theorem Matrix.diagonalLinearMap_apply (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [DecidableEq n] [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] (a✝ : nα) :
        (diagonalLinearMap n R α) a✝ = (↑(diagonalAddMonoidHom n α)).toFun a✝
        theorem Matrix.zero_le_one_elem {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [DecidableEq n] [Zero α] [One α] [Preorder α] [ZeroLEOneClass α] (i j : n) :
        0 1 i j
        theorem Matrix.zero_le_one_row {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [DecidableEq n] [Zero α] [One α] [Preorder α] [ZeroLEOneClass α] (i : n) :
        0 1 i
        def Matrix.diagAddMonoidHom (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [AddZeroClass α] :
        Matrix n n α →+ nα

        Matrix.diag as an AddMonoidHom.

        Instances For
          theorem Matrix.diagAddMonoidHom_apply (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [AddZeroClass α] (A : Matrix n n α) (i : n) :
          (diagAddMonoidHom n α) A i = A.diag i
          def Matrix.diagLinearMap (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
          Matrix n n α →ₗ[R] nα

          Matrix.diag as a LinearMap.

          Instances For
            theorem Matrix.diagLinearMap_apply (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] (a✝ : Matrix n n α) (a✝¹ : n) :
            (diagLinearMap n R α) a✝ a✝¹ = (↑(diagAddMonoidHom n α)).toFun a✝ a✝¹
            theorem Matrix.diag_list_sum {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddMonoid α] (l : List (Matrix n n α)) :
            theorem Matrix.diag_multiset_sum {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddCommMonoid α] (s : Multiset (Matrix n n α)) :
            theorem Matrix.diag_sum {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {ι : Type u_10} [AddCommMonoid α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιMatrix n n α) :
            (∑ is, f i).diag = is, (f i).diag
            def Matrix.diagonalRingHom (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [NonAssocSemiring α] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] :
            (nα) →+* Matrix n n α

            Matrix.diagonal as a RingHom.

            Instances For
              theorem Matrix.diagonalRingHom_apply (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [NonAssocSemiring α] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] (d : nα) :
              theorem Matrix.diagonal_pow {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Semiring α] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] (v : nα) (k : ) :
              diagonal v ^ k = diagonal (v ^ k)
              def Matrix.scalar {α : Type v} [Semiring α] (n : Type u) [DecidableEq n] [Fintype n] :
              α →+* Matrix n n α

              The ring homomorphism α →+* Matrix n n α sending a to the diagonal matrix with a on the diagonal.

              Instances For
                theorem Matrix.scalar_apply {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Semiring α] [DecidableEq n] [Fintype n] (a : α) :
                (scalar n) a = diagonal fun (x : n) => a
                theorem Matrix.scalar_inj {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Semiring α] [DecidableEq n] [Fintype n] [Nonempty n] {r s : α} :
                (scalar n) r = (scalar n) s r = s
                theorem Matrix.scalar_commute_iff {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Semiring α] [DecidableEq n] [Fintype n] {r : α} {M : Matrix n n α} :
                theorem Matrix.scalar_commute {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Semiring α] [DecidableEq n] [Fintype n] (r : α) (hr : ∀ (r' : α), Commute r r') (M : Matrix n n α) :
                Commute ((scalar n) r) M
                instance Matrix.instAlgebra {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] :
                Algebra R (Matrix n n α)
                theorem Matrix.algebraMap_matrix_apply {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] {r : R} {i j : n} :
                (algebraMap R (Matrix n n α)) r i j = if i = j then (algebraMap R α) r else 0
                theorem Matrix.algebraMap_eq_diagonal {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] (r : R) :
                (algebraMap R (Matrix n n α)) r = diagonal ((algebraMap R (nα)) r)
                theorem Matrix.algebraMap_eq_diagonalRingHom {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] :
                algebraMap R (Matrix n n α) = (diagonalRingHom n α).comp (algebraMap R (nα))
                theorem Matrix.map_algebraMap {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] (r : R) (f : αβ) (hf : f 0 = 0) (hf₂ : f ((algebraMap R α) r) = (algebraMap R β) r) :
                ((algebraMap R (Matrix n n α)) r).map f = (algebraMap R (Matrix n n β)) r
                def Matrix.diagonalAlgHom {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) {α : Type v} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] :
                (nα) →ₐ[R] Matrix n n α

                Matrix.diagonal as an AlgHom.

                Instances For
                  theorem Matrix.diagonalAlgHom_apply {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) {α : Type v} [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] (d : nα) :
                  def Matrix.entryAddHom {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (α : Type v) [Add α] (i : m) (j : n) :
                  Matrix m n α →ₙ+ α

                  Extracting entries from a matrix as an additive homomorphism.

                  Instances For
                    theorem Matrix.entryAddHom_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (α : Type v) [Add α] (i : m) (j : n) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                    (entryAddHom α i j) M = M i j
                    theorem Matrix.entryAddHom_eq_comp {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] {i : m} {j : n} :
                    entryAddHom α i j = ((Pi.evalAddHom (fun (x : n) => α) j).comp (Pi.evalAddHom (fun (i : m) => nα) i)).comp ofAddEquiv.symm
                    def Matrix.entryAddMonoidHom {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (α : Type v) [AddZeroClass α] (i : m) (j : n) :
                    Matrix m n α →+ α

                    Extracting entries from a matrix as an additive monoid homomorphism. Note this cannot be upgraded to a ring homomorphism, as it does not respect multiplication.

                    Instances For
                      theorem Matrix.entryAddMonoidHom_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (α : Type v) [AddZeroClass α] (i : m) (j : n) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                      (entryAddMonoidHom α i j) M = M i j
                      theorem Matrix.entryAddMonoidHom_eq_comp {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddZeroClass α] {i : m} {j : n} :
                      entryAddMonoidHom α i j = ((Pi.evalAddMonoidHom (fun (x : n) => α) j).comp (Pi.evalAddMonoidHom (fun (i : m) => nα) i)).comp ofAddEquiv.symm
                      theorem Matrix.evalAddMonoidHom_comp_diagAddMonoidHom {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} [AddZeroClass α] (i : m) :
                      (Pi.evalAddMonoidHom (fun (i : m) => α) i).comp (diagAddMonoidHom m α) = entryAddMonoidHom α i i
                      theorem Matrix.entryAddMonoidHom_toAddHom {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddZeroClass α] {i : m} {j : n} :
                      (entryAddMonoidHom α i j) = entryAddHom α i j
                      def Matrix.entryLinearMap {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] (i : m) (j : n) :
                      Matrix m n α →ₗ[R] α

                      Extracting entries from a matrix as a linear map. Note this cannot be upgraded to an algebra homomorphism, as it does not respect multiplication.

                      Instances For
                        theorem Matrix.entryLinearMap_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] (i : m) (j : n) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                        (entryLinearMap R α i j) M = M i j
                        theorem Matrix.entryLinearMap_eq_comp {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] {i : m} {j : n} :
                        theorem Matrix.proj_comp_diagLinearMap {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] (i : m) :
                        theorem Matrix.entryLinearMap_toAddMonoidHom {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] {i : m} {j : n} :
                        (entryLinearMap R α i j) = entryAddMonoidHom α i j
                        theorem Matrix.entryLinearMap_toAddHom {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] {i : m} {j : n} :
                        (entryLinearMap R α i j) = entryAddHom α i j

                        Bundled versions of #

                        def Equiv.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} (f : α β) :
                        Matrix m n α Matrix m n β

                        The Equiv between spaces of matrices induced by an Equiv between their coefficients. This is as an Equiv.

                        Instances For
                          theorem Equiv.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} (f : α β) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                          f.mapMatrix M = f
                          theorem Equiv.mapMatrix_refl {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} :
                          theorem Equiv.mapMatrix_symm {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} (f : α β) :
                          theorem Equiv.mapMatrix_trans {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} (f : α β) (g : β γ) :
                          def AddMonoidHom.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) :
                          Matrix m n α →+ Matrix m n β

                          The AddMonoidHom between spaces of matrices induced by an AddMonoidHom between their coefficients. This is as an AddMonoidHom.

                          • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m n α) => f, map_zero' := , map_add' := }
                          Instances For
                            theorem AddMonoidHom.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                            f.mapMatrix M = f
                            theorem AddMonoidHom.mapMatrix_id {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddZeroClass α] :
                            (id α).mapMatrix = id (Matrix m n α)
                            theorem AddMonoidHom.mapMatrix_comp {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] [AddZeroClass γ] (f : β →+ γ) (g : α →+ β) :
                            theorem AddMonoidHom.entryAddMonoidHom_comp_mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) (i : m) (j : n) :
                            def AddEquiv.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Add α] [Add β] (f : α ≃+ β) :
                            Matrix m n α ≃+ Matrix m n β

                            The AddEquiv between spaces of matrices induced by an AddEquiv between their coefficients. This is as an AddEquiv.

                            • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m n α) => f, invFun := fun (M : Matrix m n β) => f.symm, left_inv := , right_inv := , map_add' := }
                            Instances For
                              theorem AddEquiv.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Add α] [Add β] (f : α ≃+ β) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                              f.mapMatrix M = f
                              theorem AddEquiv.mapMatrix_refl {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] :
                              (refl α).mapMatrix = refl (Matrix m n α)
                              theorem AddEquiv.mapMatrix_symm {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Add α] [Add β] (f : α ≃+ β) :
                              theorem AddEquiv.mapMatrix_trans {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Add α] [Add β] [Add γ] (f : α ≃+ β) (g : β ≃+ γ) :
                              theorem AddEquiv.entryAddHom_comp_mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Add α] [Add β] (f : α ≃+ β) (i : m) (j : n) :
                              def LinearMap.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α →ₗ[R] β) :
                              Matrix m n α →ₗ[R] Matrix m n β

                              The LinearMap between spaces of matrices induced by a LinearMap between their coefficients. This is as a LinearMap.

                              • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m n α) => f, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
                              Instances For
                                theorem LinearMap.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α →ₗ[R] β) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                                f.mapMatrix M = f
                                theorem LinearMap.mapMatrix_id {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
                                theorem LinearMap.mapMatrix_comp {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [AddCommMonoid γ] [Module R α] [Module R β] [Module R γ] (f : β →ₗ[R] γ) (g : α →ₗ[R] β) :
                                theorem LinearMap.entryLinearMap_comp_mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α →ₗ[R] β) (i : m) (j : n) :
                                def LinearEquiv.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α ≃ₗ[R] β) :
                                Matrix m n α ≃ₗ[R] Matrix m n β

                                The LinearEquiv between spaces of matrices induced by a LinearEquiv between their coefficients. This is as a LinearEquiv.

                                • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m n α) => f, map_add' := , map_smul' := , invFun := fun (M : Matrix m n β) => f.symm, left_inv := , right_inv := }
                                Instances For
                                  theorem LinearEquiv.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α ≃ₗ[R] β) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                                  f.mapMatrix M = f
                                  theorem LinearEquiv.mapMatrix_refl {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
                                  (refl R α).mapMatrix = refl R (Matrix m n α)
                                  theorem LinearEquiv.mapMatrix_symm {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α ≃ₗ[R] β) :
                                  theorem LinearEquiv.mapMatrix_trans {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [AddCommMonoid γ] [Module R α] [Module R β] [Module R γ] (f : α ≃ₗ[R] β) (g : β ≃ₗ[R] γ) :
                                  theorem LinearEquiv.mapMatrix_toLinearMap {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α ≃ₗ[R] β) :
                                  f.mapMatrix = (↑f).mapMatrix
                                  theorem LinearEquiv.entryLinearMap_comp_mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] [Module R α] [Module R β] (f : α ≃ₗ[R] β) (i : m) (j : n) :
                                  def RingHom.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] (f : α →+* β) :
                                  Matrix m m α →+* Matrix m m β

                                  The RingHom between spaces of square matrices induced by a RingHom between their coefficients. This is as a RingHom.

                                  • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m m α) => f, map_one' := , map_mul' := , map_zero' := , map_add' := }
                                  Instances For
                                    theorem RingHom.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] (f : α →+* β) (M : Matrix m m α) :
                                    f.mapMatrix M = f
                                    theorem RingHom.mapMatrix_id {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] :
                                    (id α).mapMatrix = id (Matrix m m α)
                                    theorem RingHom.mapMatrix_comp {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] [NonAssocSemiring γ] (f : β →+* γ) (g : α →+* β) :
                                    def RingEquiv.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] (f : α ≃+* β) :
                                    Matrix m m α ≃+* Matrix m m β

                                    The RingEquiv between spaces of square matrices induced by a RingEquiv between their coefficients. This is as a RingEquiv.

                                    • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m m α) => f, invFun := fun (M : Matrix m m β) => f.symm, left_inv := , right_inv := , map_mul' := , map_add' := }
                                    Instances For
                                      theorem RingEquiv.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] (f : α ≃+* β) (M : Matrix m m α) :
                                      f.mapMatrix M = f
                                      theorem RingEquiv.mapMatrix_refl {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] :
                                      (refl α).mapMatrix = refl (Matrix m m α)
                                      theorem RingEquiv.mapMatrix_symm {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] (f : α ≃+* β) :
                                      theorem RingEquiv.mapMatrix_trans {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] [NonAssocSemiring γ] (f : α ≃+* β) (g : β ≃+* γ) :

                                      For any ring R, we have ring isomorphism Matₙₓₙ(Rᵒᵖ) ≅ (Matₙₓₙ(R))ᵒᵖ given by transpose.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        def AlgHom.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] (f : α →ₐ[R] β) :
                                        Matrix m m α →ₐ[R] Matrix m m β

                                        The AlgHom between spaces of square matrices induced by an AlgHom between their coefficients. This is as an AlgHom.

                                        • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m m α) => f, map_one' := , map_mul' := , map_zero' := , map_add' := , commutes' := }
                                        Instances For
                                          theorem AlgHom.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] (f : α →ₐ[R] β) (M : Matrix m m α) :
                                          f.mapMatrix M = f
                                          theorem AlgHom.mapMatrix_id {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] :
                                          theorem AlgHom.mapMatrix_comp {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Semiring γ] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] [Algebra R γ] (f : β →ₐ[R] γ) (g : α →ₐ[R] β) :
                                          def AlgEquiv.mapMatrix {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] (f : α ≃ₐ[R] β) :
                                          Matrix m m α ≃ₐ[R] Matrix m m β

                                          The AlgEquiv between spaces of square matrices induced by an AlgEquiv between their coefficients. This is as an AlgEquiv.

                                          • f.mapMatrix = { toFun := fun (M : Matrix m m α) => f, invFun := fun (M : Matrix m m β) => f.symm, left_inv := , right_inv := , map_mul' := , map_add' := , commutes' := }
                                          Instances For
                                            theorem AlgEquiv.mapMatrix_apply {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] (f : α ≃ₐ[R] β) (M : Matrix m m α) :
                                            f.mapMatrix M = f
                                            theorem AlgEquiv.mapMatrix_refl {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Algebra R α] :
                                            theorem AlgEquiv.mapMatrix_symm {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] (f : α ≃ₐ[R] β) :
                                            theorem AlgEquiv.mapMatrix_trans {m : Type u_2} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {γ : Type u_9} [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring α] [Semiring β] [Semiring γ] [Algebra R α] [Algebra R β] [Algebra R γ] (f : α ≃ₐ[R] β) (g : β ≃ₐ[R] γ) :
                                            def Matrix.transposeAddEquiv (m : Type u_2) (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [Add α] :
                                            Matrix m n α ≃+ Matrix n m α

                                            Matrix.transpose as an AddEquiv

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem Matrix.transposeAddEquiv_apply (m : Type u_2) (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [Add α] (M : Matrix m n α) :
                                              theorem Matrix.transposeAddEquiv_symm (m : Type u_2) (n : Type u_3) (α : Type v) [Add α] :
                                              theorem Matrix.transpose_list_sum {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddMonoid α] (l : List (Matrix m n α)) :
                                              theorem Matrix.transpose_multiset_sum {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddCommMonoid α] (s : Multiset (Matrix m n α)) :
                                              theorem Matrix.transpose_sum {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddCommMonoid α] {ι : Type u_10} (s : Finset ι) (M : ιMatrix m n α) :
                                              (∑ is, M i).transpose = is, (M i).transpose
                                              def Matrix.transposeLinearEquiv (m : Type u_2) (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
                                              Matrix m n α ≃ₗ[R] Matrix n m α

                                              Matrix.transpose as a LinearMap

                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                              Instances For
                                                theorem Matrix.transposeLinearEquiv_apply (m : Type u_2) (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] (a✝ : Matrix m n α) :
                                                (transposeLinearEquiv m n R α) a✝ = (transposeAddEquiv m n α).toFun a✝
                                                theorem Matrix.transposeLinearEquiv_symm (m : Type u_2) (n : Type u_3) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
                                                def Matrix.transposeRingEquiv (m : Type u_2) (α : Type v) [AddCommMonoid α] [CommSemigroup α] [Fintype m] :
                                                Matrix m m α ≃+* (Matrix m m α)ᵐᵒᵖ

                                                Matrix.transpose as a RingEquiv to the opposite ring

                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                Instances For
                                                  theorem Matrix.transpose_pow {m : Type u_2} {α : Type v} [CommSemiring α] [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] (M : Matrix m m α) (k : ) :
                                                  (M ^ k).transpose = M.transpose ^ k
                                                  def Matrix.transposeAlgEquiv (m : Type u_2) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [CommSemiring R] [CommSemiring α] [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [Algebra R α] :

                                                  Matrix.transpose as an AlgEquiv to the opposite ring

                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem Matrix.transposeAlgEquiv_apply (m : Type u_2) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [CommSemiring R] [CommSemiring α] [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [Algebra R α] (M : Matrix m m α) :
                                                    theorem Matrix.transposeAlgEquiv_symm_apply (m : Type u_2) (R : Type u_7) (α : Type v) [CommSemiring R] [CommSemiring α] [Fintype m] [DecidableEq m] [Algebra R α] (a✝ : (Matrix m m α)ᵐᵒᵖ) :