PhysLean Documentation


The forget functor is corepresentable #

The forgetful functor AddCommMonCat.{u} ⥤ Type u is corepresentable by ULift. Similar results are obtained for the variants CommMonCat, AddMonCat and MonCat.

The equivalence (Multiplicative ℕ →* α) ≃ α for any monoid α.

Instances For

    The equivalence (ULift (Multiplicative ℕ) →* α) ≃ α for any monoid α.

    Instances For
      def AddMonoidHom.fromNatEquiv (α : Type u) [AddMonoid α] :
      ( →+ α) α

      The equivalence (ℤ →+ α) ≃ α for any additive group α.

      Instances For
        theorem AddMonoidHom.fromNatEquiv_apply (α : Type u) [AddMonoid α] (φ : →+ α) :
        (fromNatEquiv α) φ = φ 1
        theorem AddMonoidHom.fromNatEquiv_symm_apply (α : Type u) [AddMonoid α] (x : α) :

        The equivalence (ULift ℕ →+ α) ≃ α for any additive monoid α.

        Instances For
          theorem AddMonoidHom.fromULiftNatEquiv_symm_apply_apply (α : Type u) [AddMonoid α] (a✝ : α) (a✝¹ : ULift.{u, 0} ) :
          ((fromULiftNatEquiv α).symm a✝) a✝¹ = AddEquiv.ulift a✝¹ a✝

          The forgetful functor MonCat.{u} ⥤ Type u is corepresentable.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            The forgetful functor CommMonCat.{u} ⥤ Type u is corepresentable.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              The forgetful functor AddMonCat.{u} ⥤ Type u is corepresentable.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                The forgetful functor AddCommMonCat.{u} ⥤ Type u is corepresentable.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For