PhysLean Documentation


Multiplicative and additive equivs #

This file contains basic results on MulEquiv and AddEquiv.

Tags #

Equiv, MulEquiv, AddEquiv

theorem MulEquivClass.toMulEquiv_injective {F : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [EquivLike F α β] [Mul α] [Mul β] [MulEquivClass F α β] :
theorem AddEquivClass.toAddEquiv_injective {F : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [EquivLike F α β] [Add α] [Add β] [AddEquivClass F α β] :
def MulEquiv.ofUnique {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} [Unique M] [Unique N] [Mul M] [Mul N] :
M ≃* N

The MulEquiv between two monoids with a unique element.

Instances For
    def AddEquiv.ofUnique {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} [Unique M] [Unique N] [Add M] [Add N] :
    M ≃+ N

    The AddEquiv between two AddMonoids with a unique element.

    Instances For
      @[deprecated MulEquiv.ofUnique (since := "2024-12-25")]
      def MulEquiv.mulEquivOfUnique {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} [Unique M] [Unique N] [Mul M] [Mul N] :
      M ≃* N

      Alias of MulEquiv.ofUnique.

      The MulEquiv between two monoids with a unique element.

      Instances For
        @[deprecated MulEquiv.ofUnique (since := "2024-12-25")]
        def AddEquiv.addEquivOfUnique {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} [Unique M] [Unique N] [Add M] [Add N] :
        M ≃+ N

        Alias of AddEquiv.ofEquiv.

        Instances For
          instance MulEquiv.instUnique {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} [Unique M] [Unique N] [Mul M] [Mul N] :
          Unique (M ≃* N)

          There is a unique monoid homomorphism between two monoids with a unique element.

          instance AddEquiv.instUnique {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} [Unique M] [Unique N] [Add M] [Add N] :
          Unique (M ≃+ N)

          There is a unique additive monoid homomorphism between two additive monoids with a unique element.


          Monoids #

          def MulEquiv.arrowCongr {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [Mul P] [Mul Q] (f : M N) (g : P ≃* Q) :
          (MP) ≃* (NQ)

          A multiplicative analogue of Equiv.arrowCongr, where the equivalence between the targets is multiplicative.

          • MulEquiv.arrowCongr f g = { toFun := fun (h : MP) (n : N) => g (h (f.symm n)), invFun := fun (k : NQ) (m : M) => g.symm (k (f m)), left_inv := , right_inv := , map_mul' := }
          Instances For
            def AddEquiv.arrowCongr {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [Add P] [Add Q] (f : M N) (g : P ≃+ Q) :
            (MP) ≃+ (NQ)

            An additive analogue of Equiv.arrowCongr, where the equivalence between the targets is additive.

            • AddEquiv.arrowCongr f g = { toFun := fun (h : MP) (n : N) => g (h (f.symm n)), invFun := fun (k : NQ) (m : M) => g.symm (k (f m)), left_inv := , right_inv := , map_add' := }
            Instances For
              theorem AddEquiv.arrowCongr_apply {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [Add P] [Add Q] (f : M N) (g : P ≃+ Q) (h : MP) (n : N) :
              (arrowCongr f g) h n = g (h (f.symm n))
              theorem MulEquiv.arrowCongr_apply {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [Mul P] [Mul Q] (f : M N) (g : P ≃* Q) (h : MP) (n : N) :
              (arrowCongr f g) h n = g (h (f.symm n))
              def MulEquiv.monoidHomCongr {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] [CommMonoid Q] (f : M ≃* N) (g : P ≃* Q) :
              (M →* P) ≃* (N →* Q)

              A multiplicative analogue of Equiv.arrowCongr, for multiplicative maps from a monoid to a commutative monoid.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                def AddEquiv.addMonoidHomCongr {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] [AddCommMonoid Q] (f : M ≃+ N) (g : P ≃+ Q) :
                (M →+ P) ≃+ (N →+ Q)

                An additive analogue of Equiv.arrowCongr, for additive maps from an additive monoid to a commutative additive monoid.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  theorem MulEquiv.monoidHomCongr_apply {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] [CommMonoid Q] (f : M ≃* N) (g : P ≃* Q) (h : M →* P) :
                  theorem AddEquiv.addMonoidHomCongr_apply {M : Type u_9} {N : Type u_10} {P : Type u_11} {Q : Type u_12} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] [AddCommMonoid Q] (f : M ≃+ N) (g : P ≃+ Q) (h : M →+ P) :
                  def MulEquiv.piCongrRight {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} [(j : η) → Mul (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Mul (Ns j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃* Ns j) :
                  ((j : η) → Ms j) ≃* ((j : η) → Ns j)

                  A family of multiplicative equivalences Π j, (Ms j ≃* Ns j) generates a multiplicative equivalence between Π j, Ms j and Π j, Ns j.

                  This is the MulEquiv version of Equiv.piCongrRight, and the dependent version of MulEquiv.arrowCongr.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    def AddEquiv.piCongrRight {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} [(j : η) → Add (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Add (Ns j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃+ Ns j) :
                    ((j : η) → Ms j) ≃+ ((j : η) → Ns j)

                    A family of additive equivalences Π j, (Ms j ≃+ Ns j) generates an additive equivalence between Π j, Ms j and Π j, Ns j.

                    This is the AddEquiv version of Equiv.piCongrRight, and the dependent version of AddEquiv.arrowCongr.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      theorem AddEquiv.piCongrRight_apply {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} [(j : η) → Add (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Add (Ns j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃+ Ns j) (x : (j : η) → Ms j) (j : η) :
                      (piCongrRight es) x j = (es j) (x j)
                      theorem MulEquiv.piCongrRight_apply {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} [(j : η) → Mul (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Mul (Ns j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃* Ns j) (x : (j : η) → Ms j) (j : η) :
                      (piCongrRight es) x j = (es j) (x j)
                      theorem MulEquiv.piCongrRight_refl {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} [(j : η) → Mul (Ms j)] :
                      (piCongrRight fun (j : η) => refl (Ms j)) = refl ((j : η) → Ms j)
                      theorem AddEquiv.piCongrRight_refl {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} [(j : η) → Add (Ms j)] :
                      (piCongrRight fun (j : η) => refl (Ms j)) = refl ((j : η) → Ms j)
                      theorem MulEquiv.piCongrRight_symm {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} [(j : η) → Mul (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Mul (Ns j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃* Ns j) :
                      (piCongrRight es).symm = piCongrRight fun (i : η) => (es i).symm
                      theorem AddEquiv.piCongrRight_symm {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} [(j : η) → Add (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Add (Ns j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃+ Ns j) :
                      (piCongrRight es).symm = piCongrRight fun (i : η) => (es i).symm
                      theorem MulEquiv.piCongrRight_trans {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} {Ps : ηType u_12} [(j : η) → Mul (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Mul (Ns j)] [(j : η) → Mul (Ps j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃* Ns j) (fs : (j : η) → Ns j ≃* Ps j) :
                      (piCongrRight es).trans (piCongrRight fs) = piCongrRight fun (i : η) => (es i).trans (fs i)
                      theorem AddEquiv.piCongrRight_trans {η : Type u_9} {Ms : ηType u_10} {Ns : ηType u_11} {Ps : ηType u_12} [(j : η) → Add (Ms j)] [(j : η) → Add (Ns j)] [(j : η) → Add (Ps j)] (es : (j : η) → Ms j ≃+ Ns j) (fs : (j : η) → Ns j ≃+ Ps j) :
                      (piCongrRight es).trans (piCongrRight fs) = piCongrRight fun (i : η) => (es i).trans (fs i)
                      def MulEquiv.piUnique {ι : Type u_9} (M : ιType u_10) [(j : ι) → Mul (M j)] [Unique ι] :
                      ((j : ι) → M j) ≃* M default

                      A family indexed by a type with a unique element is MulEquiv to the element at the single index.

                      Instances For
                        def AddEquiv.piUnique {ι : Type u_9} (M : ιType u_10) [(j : ι) → Add (M j)] [Unique ι] :
                        ((j : ι) → M j) ≃+ M default

                        A family indexed by a type with a unique element is AddEquiv to the element at the single index.

                        Instances For
                          theorem AddEquiv.piUnique_symm_apply {ι : Type u_9} (M : ιType u_10) [(j : ι) → Add (M j)] [Unique ι] (x : M default) (i : ι) :
                          theorem MulEquiv.piUnique_symm_apply {ι : Type u_9} (M : ιType u_10) [(j : ι) → Mul (M j)] [Unique ι] (x : M default) (i : ι) :
                          theorem MulEquiv.piUnique_apply {ι : Type u_9} (M : ιType u_10) [(j : ι) → Mul (M j)] [Unique ι] (f : (i : ι) → M i) :
                          theorem AddEquiv.piUnique_apply {ι : Type u_9} (M : ιType u_10) [(j : ι) → Add (M j)] [Unique ι] (f : (i : ι) → M i) :
                          def MonoidHom.precompEquiv {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Monoid α] [Monoid β] (e : α ≃* β) (γ : Type u_11) [Monoid γ] :
                          (β →* γ) (α →* γ)

                          The equivalence (β →* γ) ≃ (α →* γ) obtained by precomposition with a multiplicative equivalence e : α ≃* β.

                          Instances For
                            def AddMonoidHom.precompEquiv {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddMonoid α] [AddMonoid β] (e : α ≃+ β) (γ : Type u_11) [AddMonoid γ] :
                            (β →+ γ) (α →+ γ)

                            The equivalence (β →+ γ) ≃ (α →+ γ) obtained by precomposition with an additive equivalence e : α ≃+ β.

                            Instances For
                              theorem MonoidHom.precompEquiv_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Monoid α] [Monoid β] (e : α ≃* β) (γ : Type u_11) [Monoid γ] (f : β →* γ) :
                              (precompEquiv e γ) f = f.comp e
                              theorem MonoidHom.precompEquiv_symm_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Monoid α] [Monoid β] (e : α ≃* β) (γ : Type u_11) [Monoid γ] (g : α →* γ) :
                              (precompEquiv e γ).symm g = g.comp e.symm
                              theorem AddMonoidHom.precompEquiv_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddMonoid α] [AddMonoid β] (e : α ≃+ β) (γ : Type u_11) [AddMonoid γ] (f : β →+ γ) :
                              (precompEquiv e γ) f = f.comp e
                              theorem AddMonoidHom.precompEquiv_symm_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddMonoid α] [AddMonoid β] (e : α ≃+ β) (γ : Type u_11) [AddMonoid γ] (g : α →+ γ) :
                              (precompEquiv e γ).symm g = g.comp e.symm
                              def MonoidHom.postcompEquiv {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Monoid α] [Monoid β] (e : α ≃* β) (γ : Type u_11) [Monoid γ] :
                              (γ →* α) (γ →* β)

                              The equivalence (γ →* α) ≃ (γ →* β) obtained by postcomposition with a multiplicative equivalence e : α ≃* β.

                              Instances For
                                def AddMonoidHom.postcompEquiv {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddMonoid α] [AddMonoid β] (e : α ≃+ β) (γ : Type u_11) [AddMonoid γ] :
                                (γ →+ α) (γ →+ β)

                                The equivalence (γ →+ α) ≃ (γ →+ β) obtained by postcomposition with an additive equivalence e : α ≃+ β.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem MonoidHom.postcompEquiv_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Monoid α] [Monoid β] (e : α ≃* β) (γ : Type u_11) [Monoid γ] (f : γ →* α) :
                                  theorem AddMonoidHom.postcompEquiv_symm_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddMonoid α] [AddMonoid β] (e : α ≃+ β) (γ : Type u_11) [AddMonoid γ] (g : γ →+ β) :
                                  theorem MonoidHom.postcompEquiv_symm_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Monoid α] [Monoid β] (e : α ≃* β) (γ : Type u_11) [Monoid γ] (g : γ →* β) :
                                  theorem AddMonoidHom.postcompEquiv_apply {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddMonoid α] [AddMonoid β] (e : α ≃+ β) (γ : Type u_11) [AddMonoid γ] (f : γ →+ α) :
                                  def Equiv.inv (G : Type u_7) [InvolutiveInv G] :

                                  Inversion on a Group or GroupWithZero is a permutation of the underlying type.

                                  Instances For
                                    def Equiv.neg (G : Type u_7) [InvolutiveNeg G] :

                                    Negation on an AddGroup is a permutation of the underlying type.

                                    Instances For
                                      theorem Equiv.inv_apply (G : Type u_7) [InvolutiveInv G] :
                                      theorem Equiv.neg_apply (G : Type u_7) [InvolutiveNeg G] :