TODO list
This file is created automatically using `TODO ...` commands within PhysLean. Feel free to tackle any of the items here.In: PhysLean.Mathematics.LinearMaps
Replace the definitions in this file with Mathlib definitions.
In: PhysLean.Meta.AllFilePaths
Make this definition more functional in style. In other words, remove the for loop.
In: PhysLean.Meta.TransverseTactics
Find a way to free the environment `env` in `transverseTactics`. This leads to memory problems when using `transverseTactics` directly in loops.
In: PhysLean.Particles.BeyondTheStandardModel.TwoHDM.Basic
Prove bounded properties of the 2HDM potential. See e.g. and
In: PhysLean.Particles.StandardModel.Basic
Redefine the gauge group as a quotient of SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) by a subgroup of ℤ₆.
In: PhysLean.Particles.StandardModel.HiggsBoson.Basic
Make `HiggsBundle` an associated bundle.
In: PhysLean.Particles.StandardModel.HiggsBoson.GaugeAction
Prove `⟪φ1, φ2⟫_H` invariant under the global gauge action. (norm_map_of_mem_unitary)
In: PhysLean.Particles.StandardModel.HiggsBoson.GaugeAction
Currently this only contains the action of the global gauge group. Generalize to include the full action of the gauge group.
In: PhysLean.Particles.StandardModel.HiggsBoson.GaugeAction
Define the global gauge action on HiggsField.
In: PhysLean.Particles.StandardModel.HiggsBoson.GaugeAction
Prove invariance of potential under global gauge action.
In: PhysLean.QFT.AnomalyCancellation.Basic
Anomaly cancellation conditions can be defined using algebraic varieties. Link such an approach to the approach here.
In: PhysLean.QFT.AnomalyCancellation.Basic
Anomaly cancellation conditions can be derived formally from the gauge group and fermionic representations using e.g. topological invariants. Include such a definition.
In: PhysLean.QFT.AnomalyCancellation.PureU1.BasisLinear
The definition of `coordinateMap` here may be improved by replacing `Finsupp.equivFunOnFinite` with `Finsupp.linearEquivFunOnFinite`. Investigate this.
In: PhysLean.QFT.AnomalyCancellation.PureU1.Even.BasisLinear
Replace the definition of `join` with a Mathlib definition, most likely `Sum.elim`.
In: PhysLean.QFT.AnomalyCancellation.PureU1.Odd.BasisLinear
Replace the definition of `join` with a Mathlib definition, most likely `Sum.elim`.
In: PhysLean.QFT.AnomalyCancellation.PureU1.Permutations
Remove `pairSwap`, and use the Mathlib defined function `Equiv.swap` instead.
In: PhysLean.QFT.PerturbationTheory.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.NormalOrder
Split the following two lemmas up into smaller parts.
In: PhysLean.QuantumMechanics.FiniteTarget.Basic
Define a smooth structure on `FiniteTarget`.
In: PhysLean.QuantumMechanics.OneDimension.HarmonicOscillator.Basic
The momentum operator should be moved to a more general file.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Algebra.Basis
Define the standard basis of the Lorentz algebra.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Bispinors.Basic
To increase the speed of these files `(vecNodeE complexLorentzTensor .up p).tensor | μ` is written out expliclity. Notation should be introduced so that we can just write `p | μ` or similar without slowing things down. This can be done by redefining bispinors in terms of actual tensors.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.ComplexTensor.Basis
Replace basisVector in this file with TensorSpecies.tensorBasis. All of the results here should be generalized to TensorSpecies.tensorBasis.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Basic
Define the Lie group structure on the Lorentz group.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Boosts
Show that generalised boosts are in the restricted Lorentz group.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Boosts
Make `toLorentz` the definition of a generalised boost. This will involve refactoring this file.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Orthochronous
Prove topological properties of the Orthochronous Lorentz Group.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Restricted
Add definition of the restricted Lorentz group.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Restricted
Prove restricted Lorentz group equivalent to connected component of identity of the Lorentz group.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Restricted
Prove that every member of the restricted Lorentz group is combiniation of a boost and a rotation.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.Group.Rotations
Generalize the inclusion of rotations into LorentzGroup to arbitrary dimension.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Lorentz.SL2C.Basic
Define homomorphism from `SL(2, ℂ)` to the restricted Lorentz group.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.SpaceTime.Basic
SpaceTime should be refactored into a structure, or similar, to prevent casting.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.SpaceTime.CliffordAlgebra
Prove algebra generated by gamma matrices is isomorphic to Clifford algebra.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Tensors.OverColor.Discrete
Find a better place for this.
In: PhysLean.Relativity.Tensors.Tree.Basic
Fill in the other relationships between tensor trees and tensor basis.