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Getting involved

PhysLean is a community project and we welcome contributions from everyone. There are many ways to contribute to the project, from helping with issues, to formalizing results, to creating informal results. Below are some ideas of how you can get involved. But feel free to contribute in any way you see fit and think you will have the most fun from!


The easiest way to contribute is to promote the project, either by word of mouth or by sharing the project on social media.


There are a number of dicussions on the PhysLean Zulip, some of which contain questions which you may be able to help with.

See PhysLean Zulip

Read through curated notes

You can contribute by helping by reading through the curated notes and suggesting improvements or corrections to names, doc-strings or Lean proofs. Any suggestion here is welcome!

See curated notes

Help with issues

You can contribute by helping with open issues. These range from suggested formalizations, to infastructure changes needed, to Lean meta programming tasks.

See Issues

The TODO list

The TODO list contains basic Lean or admin related tasks. Most of these are relatively small tasks like renaming lemmas.


Golfing & Documentation

Golfing is the process of making the code more concise and readable, whilst documentation is the process of adding comments and explanations to the code.

Formalize informal results

Within Physlean are informal definitions and lemmas which need to be formalized into Lean. You can contribute by helping formalizing these results.

View informal results

Creating informal results

If you have a background in physics and don't have the time or skills to formalize results into Lean, you can contribute by adding informal results (definitions and theorems) to the project. These are English written statements placed within the project.

Help with a project

There is currently one GitHub project related to PhysLean. Having a go at any of the items listed within that project would be a great way to get involved.

See Projects

Start a mini-project

There are a list of min-projects on the Lean Zulip. If you want to get your teeth really stuck into to formalizing physics, these are a great place for ideas.

See the mini projects

Need Help?

Join our community discussions or reach out for help on the PhysLean channel within the Lean Zulip.

Join Discussion