PhysLean Documentation


def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded (rel : IntIntProp) (lo hi : Int) :

A Bounded is represented by an Int that is constrained by a lower and higher bounded using some relation rel. It includes all the integers that rel lo val ∧ rel val hi.

Instances For
    instance Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.instLE {rel : IntIntProp} {n m : Int} :
    _root_.LE (Bounded rel n m)
    instance Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.instLT {rel : IntIntProp} {n m : Int} :
    _root_.LT (Bounded rel n m)
    instance Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.instRepr {rel : IntIntProp} {m n : Int} :
    Repr (Bounded rel m n)
    instance Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.instBEq {rel : IntIntProp} {n m : Int} :
    BEq (Bounded rel n m)
    instance Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.instDecidableLe {rel : IntIntProp} {a b : Int} {x y : Bounded rel a b} :
    @[reducible, inline]

    A Bounded integer that the relation used is the the less-equal relation so, it includes all integers that lo ≤ val ≤ hi.

    Instances For
      def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.cast {rel : IntIntProp} {lo₁ lo₂ hi₁ hi₂ : Int} (h₁ : lo₁ = lo₂) (h₂ : hi₁ = hi₂) (b : Bounded rel lo₁ hi₁) :
      Bounded rel lo₂ hi₂

      Casts the boundaries of the Bounded using equivalences.

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]

        A Bounded integer that the relation used is the the less-than relation so, it includes all integers that lo < val < hi.

        Instances For
          def {lo hi : Int} {rel : IntIntProp} (val : Int) (proof : rel lo val rel val hi) :
          Bounded rel lo hi

          Creates a new Bounded Integer.

          Instances For
            def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.ofInt? {rel : IntIntProp} {lo hi : Int} [DecidableRel rel] (val : Int) :
            Option (Bounded rel lo hi)

            Convert a Int to a Bounded if it checks.

            Instances For
              def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofNatWrapping {lo hi : Int} (val : Int) (h : lo hi) :
              LE lo hi

              Convert a Nat to a Bounded.LE by wrapping it.

              Instances For
                def {lo hi : Int} (val : Int) (proof : lo val val hi) :
                LE lo hi

                Creates a new Bounded integer that the relation is less-equal.

                Instances For
                  def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.exact (val : Nat) :
                  LE val val

                  Creates a new Bounded integer that the relation is less-equal.

                  Instances For
                    def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofInt {lo hi : Int} (val : Int) :
                    Option (LE lo hi)

                    Creates a new Bounded integer.

                    Instances For
                      def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofNat {hi : Nat} (val : Nat) (h : val hi) :
                      LE 0 hi

                      Convert a Nat to a Bounded.LE.

                      Instances For
                        def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofNat? {hi : Nat} (val : Nat) :
                        Option (LE 0 hi)

                        Convert a Nat to a Bounded.LE if it checks.

                        Instances For
                          def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofNat' {lo hi : Nat} (val : Nat) (h : lo val val hi) :
                          LE lo hi

                          Convert a Nat to a Bounded.LE using the lower boundary too.

                          Instances For
                            def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.clip {lo hi : Int} (val : Int) (h : lo hi) :
                            LE lo hi

                            Convert a Nat to a Bounded.LE using the lower boundary too.

                            Instances For
                              def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.toNat {lo hi : Int} (n : LE lo hi) :

                              Convert a Bounded.LE to a Nat.

                              Instances For
                                def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.toNat' {lo hi : Int} (n : LE lo hi) (h : lo 0) :

                                Convert a Bounded.LE to a Nat.

                                Instances For
                                  def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.toInt {lo hi : Int} (n : LE lo hi) :

                                  Convert a Bounded.LE to an Int.

                                  Instances For
                                    def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.toFin {lo hi : Int} (n : LE lo hi) (h₀ : 0 lo) :
                                    Fin (hi + 1).toNat

                                    Convert a Bounded.LE to a Fin.

                                    Instances For
                                      def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofFin {hi : Nat} (fin : Fin hi.succ) :
                                      LE 0 hi

                                      Convert a Fin to a Bounded.LE.

                                      Instances For
                                        def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ofFin' {hi lo : Nat} (fin : Fin hi.succ) (h : lo hi) :
                                        LE lo hi

                                        Convert a Fin to a Bounded.LE.

                                        Instances For
                                          def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.byEmod (b i : Int) (hi : i > 0) :
                                          LE 0 (i - 1)

                                          Creates a new Bounded.LE using a the modulus of a number.

                                          Instances For
                                            def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.byMod (b i : Int) (hi : 0 < i) :
                                            LE (-(i - 1)) (i - 1)

                                            Creates a new Bounded.LE using a the Truncating modulus of a number.

                                            Instances For
                                              def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.truncate {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) :
                                              LE 0 (m - n)

                                              Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by setting the lower bound to zero and the maximum value to (m - n).

                                              • bounded.truncate = match with | => bounded.val - n,
                                              Instances For
                                                def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.truncateTop {n m j : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (h : bounded.val j) :
                                                LE n j

                                                Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by changing the higher bound if another value j satisfies the same constraint.

                                                Instances For
                                                  def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.truncateBottom {n m j : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (h : bounded.val j) :
                                                  LE j m

                                                  Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by changing the lower bound if another value j satisfies the same constraint.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.neg {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) :
                                                    LE (-m) (-n)

                                                    Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by adding a constant value to both the lower and upper bounds.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.add {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) :
                                                      LE (n + num) (m + num)

                                                      Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by adding a constant value to both the lower and upper bounds.

                                                      • bounded.add num = bounded.val + num,
                                                      Instances For
                                                        def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.addProven {n m num : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (h₀ : bounded.val + num m) (h₁ : num 0) :
                                                        LE n m

                                                        Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by adding a constant value to both the lower and upper bounds.

                                                        Instances For
                                                          def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.addTop {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) (h : num 0) :
                                                          LE n (m + num)

                                                          Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by adding a constant value to the upper bounds.

                                                          Instances For
                                                            def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.subBottom {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) (h : num 0) :
                                                            LE (n - num) m

                                                            Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by adding a constant value to the lower bounds.

                                                            Instances For
                                                              def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.addBounds {n m i j : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (bounded₂ : LE i j) :
                                                              LE (n + i) (m + j)

                                                              Adds two Bounded and adjust the boundaries.

                                                              Instances For
                                                                def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.sub {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) :
                                                                LE (n - num) (m - num)

                                                                Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by subtracting a constant value to both the lower and upper bounds.

                                                                Instances For
                                                                  def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.subBounds {n m i j : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (bounded₂ : LE i j) :
                                                                  LE (n - j) (m - i)

                                                                  Adds two Bounded and adjust the boundaries.

                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.emod {n num : Int} (bounded : LE n num) (num✝ : Int) (hi : 0 < num✝) :
                                                                    LE 0 (num✝ - 1)

                                                                    Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by applying the emod operation constraining the lower bound to 0 and the upper bound to the value.

                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.mod {n num : Int} (bounded : LE n num) (num✝ : Int) (hi : 0 < num✝) :
                                                                      LE (-(num✝ - 1)) (num✝ - 1)

                                                                      Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by applying the mod operation.

                                                                      Instances For
                                                                        def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.mul_pos {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) (h : num 0) :
                                                                        LE (n * num) (m * num)

                                                                        Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by applying the multiplication operation with a positive number.

                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.mul_neg {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) (h : num 0) :
                                                                          LE (m * num) (n * num)

                                                                          Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by applying the multiplication operation with a positive number.

                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.ediv {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (num : Int) (h : num > 0) :
                                                                            LE (n / num) (m / num)

                                                                            Adjust the bounds of a Bounded by applying the div operation.

                                                                            • bounded.ediv num h = match with | => bounded.val.ediv num,
                                                                            Instances For
                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.expand {lo hi nhi nlo : Int} (bounded : LE lo hi) (h : hi nhi) (h₁ : nlo lo) :
                                                                                LE nlo nhi

                                                                                Expand the range of a bounded value.

                                                                                Instances For
                                                                                  def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.expandTop {lo hi nhi : Int} (bounded : LE lo hi) (h : hi nhi) :
                                                                                  LE lo nhi

                                                                                  Expand the bottom of the bounded to a number nhi is hi is less or equal to the previous higher bound.

                                                                                  Instances For
                                                                                    def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.expandBottom {lo hi nlo : Int} (bounded : LE lo hi) (h : nlo lo) :
                                                                                    LE nlo hi

                                                                                    Expand the bottom of the bounded to a number nlo if lo is greater or equal to the previous lower bound.

                                                                                    Instances For
                                                                                      def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.succ {lo hi : Int} (bounded : LE lo hi) (h : bounded.val < hi) :
                                                                                      LE lo hi

                                                                                      Adds one to the value of the bounded if the value is less than the higher bound of the bounded number.

                                                                                      Instances For
                                                                                        def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.abs {i : Int} (bo : LE (-i) i) :
                                                                                        LE 0 i

                                                                                        Returns the absolute value of the bounded number bo with bounds -(i - 1) to i - 1. The result will be a new bounded number with bounds 0 to i - 1.

                                                                                        Instances For
                                                                                          def Std.Time.Internal.Bounded.LE.max {n m : Int} (bounded : LE n m) (val : Int) :
                                                                                          LE (Max.max n val) (Max.max m val)

                                                                                          Returns the maximum between a number and the bounded.

                                                                                          • bounded.max val = match with | => max bounded.val val,
                                                                                          Instances For