PhysLean Documentation


Turn a CNF Nat, that might contain 0 as a variable, to a CNF PosFin. This representation is guaranteed to not have 0 and is limited to an upper bound of variable indices.

Instances For

    Turn a CNF PosFin into the representation used by the LRAT checker.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem Std.Tactic.BVDecide.LRAT.Internal.CNF.Clause.mem_lrat_of_mem {n : Nat} {l : Sat.Literal (PosFin n)} {lratClause : DefaultClause n} (clause : Sat.CNF.Clause (PosFin n)) (h1 : l clause) (h2 : DefaultClause.ofArray (List.toArray clause) = some lratClause) :
      l lratClause.clause
      theorem Std.Tactic.BVDecide.LRAT.Internal.CNF.Clause.convertLRAT_sat_of_sat {n : Nat} {lratClause : DefaultClause n} {assign : PosFin nBool} (clause : Sat.CNF.Clause (PosFin n)) (h : convertLRAT' clause = some lratClause) :
      Sat.CNF.Clause.eval assign clause = trueEntails.eval assign lratClause

      Convert a CNF Nat with a certain maximum variable number into the DefaultFormula format for usage with bv_decide's LRAT.Internal.

      Notably this:

      1. Increments all variables as DIMACS variables start at 1 instead of 0
      2. Adds a leading none clause. This clause must be persistent as the LRAT checker wants to have the DIMACS file line by line and the DIMACS file begins with the p cnf x y meta instruction.
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For