PhysLean Documentation


Sleep can be used to sleep for some duration once. The underlying timer has millisecond resolution.

Instances For

    Set up a Sleep that waits for duration milliseconds. This function only initializes but does not yet start the timer.

    Instances For


      • s is not yet running start it and return an AsyncTask that will resolve once the previously configured duration has run out.
      • s is already or not anymore running return the same AsyncTask as the first call to wait.
      Instances For


        • s is still running the timer restarts counting from now and finishes after duration milliseconds.
        • s is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
        Instances For


          • s is still running this stops s without resolving any remaining AsyncTasks that were created through wait. Note that if another AsyncTask is binding on any of these it is going hang forever without further intervention.
          • s is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
          Instances For

            Return an AsyncTask that resolves after duration.

            Instances For

              Interval can be used to repeatedly wait for some duration like a clock. The underlying timer has millisecond resolution.

              Instances For

                Setup up an Interval that waits for duration milliseconds. This function only initializes but does not yet start the timer.

                Instances For


                  • i is not yet running start it and return an AsyncTask that resolves right away as the 0th multiple of duration has elapsed.
                  • i is already running and:
                    • the tick from the last call of i has not yet finished return the same AsyncTask as the last call
                    • the tick frrom the last call of i has finished return a new AsyncTask that waits for the closest next tick from the time of calling this function.
                  • i is not running aymore this is a no-op.
                  Instances For


                    • Interval.tick was called on i before the timer restarts counting from now and the next tick happens in duration.
                    • i is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
                    Instances For


                      • i is still running this stops i without resolving any remaing AsyncTask that were created through tick. Note that if another AsyncTask is binding on any of these it is going hang forever without further intervention.
                      • i is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
                      Instances For