PhysLean Documentation


Definition of DHashMap.Raw #

This file defines the type Std.Data.DHashMap.Raw. All of its functions are defined in the module Std.Data.DHashMap.Basic.

structure Std.DHashMap.Raw (α : Type u) (β : αType v) :
Type (max u v)

Dependent hash maps without a bundled well-formedness invariant, suitable for use in nested inductive types. The well-formedness invariant is called Raw.WF. When in doubt, prefer DHashMap over DHashMap.Raw. Lemmas about the operations on Std.Data.DHashMap.Raw are available in the module Std.Data.DHashMap.RawLemmas.

The hash table is backed by an Array. Users should make sure that the hash map is used linearly to avoid expensive copies.

This is a simple separate-chaining hash table. The data of the hash map consists of a cached size and an array of buckets, where each bucket is a linked list of key-value pais. The number of buckets is always a power of two. The hash map doubles its size upon inserting an element such that the number of elements is more than 75% of the number of buckets.

The hash map uses == (provided by the BEq typeclass) to compare keys and hash (provided by the Hashable typeclass) to hash them. To ensure that the operations behave as expected, == should be an equivalence relation and a == b should imply hash a = hash b (see also the EquivBEq and LawfulHashable typeclasses). Both of these conditions are automatic if the BEq instance is lawful, i.e., if a == b implies a = b.

  • size : Nat

    The number of mappings present in the hash map

  • buckets : Array (Internal.AssocList α β)

    Internal implementation detail of the hash map

Instances For