PhysLean Documentation


Pure tensors #

A pure tensor is one of the form ψ1 ⊗ ψ2 ⊗ ... ⊗ ψn. We say a tensor is pure if it is of this form.

The type of tensors specified by a map to colors c : OverColor S.C.

Instances For
    def TensorSpecies.Pure.ρ {S : TensorSpecies} {c : IndexNotation.OverColor S.C} (g : S.G) (p : S.Pure c) :
    S.Pure c

    The group action on a pure tensor.

    Instances For

      The underlying tensor of a pure tensor.

      Instances For
        theorem TensorSpecies.Pure.tprod_equivariant {S : TensorSpecies} {c : IndexNotation.OverColor S.C} (g : S.G) (p : S.Pure c) :
        (ρ g p).tprod = ((S.F.obj c).ρ g) p.tprod

        The map tprod is equivariant with respect to the group action.

        A tensor is pure if it is ⨂[S.k] i, p i for some p : Pure c.

        Instances For

          As long as we are dealing with tensors with at least one index, then the zero tensor is pure.

          theorem TensorSpecies.action_isPure_iff_isPure (S : TensorSpecies) {c : IndexNotation.OverColor S.C} {ψ : (S.F.obj c).V} (g : S.G) :
          S.IsPure (((S.F.obj c).ρ g) ψ) S.IsPure ψ