Contraction of Weyl fermions #
We define the contraction of Weyl fermions.
Contraction of Weyl fermions. #
The bi-linear map corresponding to contraction of a left-handed Weyl fermion with a alt-left-handed Weyl fermion.
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Instances For
The bi-linear map corresponding to contraction of a alt-left-handed Weyl fermion with a left-handed Weyl fermion.
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Instances For
The bi-linear map corresponding to contraction of a right-handed Weyl fermion with a alt-right-handed Weyl fermion.
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Instances For
The bi-linear map corresponding to contraction of a alt-right-handed Weyl fermion with a right-handed Weyl fermion.
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Instances For
The linear map from leftHandedWeyl ⊗ altLeftHandedWeyl to ℂ given by summing over components of leftHandedWeyl and altLeftHandedWeyl in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product). Physically, the contraction of a left-handed Weyl fermion with a alt-left-handed Weyl fermion. In index notation this is ψ^a φ_a.
Instances For
The linear map from altLeftHandedWeyl ⊗ leftHandedWeyl to ℂ given by summing over components of altLeftHandedWeyl and leftHandedWeyl in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product). Physically, the contraction of a alt-left-handed Weyl fermion with a left-handed Weyl fermion. In index notation this is φ_a ψ^a.
Instances For
The linear map from rightHandedWeyl ⊗ altRightHandedWeyl
to ℂ
given by
summing over components of rightHandedWeyl
and altRightHandedWeyl
in the
standard basis (i.e. the dot product).
The contraction of a right-handed Weyl fermion with a left-handed Weyl fermion.
In index notation this is ψ^{dot a} φ_{dot a}
Instances For
The linear map from altRightHandedWeyl ⊗ rightHandedWeyl to ℂ given by summing over components of altRightHandedWeyl and rightHandedWeyl in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product). The contraction of a right-handed Weyl fermion with a left-handed Weyl fermion. In index notation this is φ_{dot a} ψ^{dot a}.