Involution associated with a contraction #
The involution of Fin n
associated with a Wick contraction c : WickContraction n
as follows.
If i : Fin n
is contracted in c
then it is taken to its dual, otherwise
it is taken to itself.
Instances For
The Wick contraction formed by an involution f
of Fin n
by taking as the contracted
sets of the contraction the orbits of f
of cardinality 2
- WickContraction.fromInvolution f = ⟨Finset.filter (fun (a : Finset (Fin n)) => a.card = 2 ∧ ∃ (i : Fin n), {i, ↑f i} = a) Finset.univ, ⋯⟩
Instances For
{n : ℕ}
(f : { f : Fin n → Fin n // Function.Involutive f })
(i : Fin n)
(h : ((fromInvolution f).getDual? i).isSome = true)
{n : ℕ}
(f : { f : Fin n → Fin n // Function.Involutive f })
(i : Fin n)
(h : ((fromInvolution f).getDual? i).isSome = true)
{n : ℕ}
(f : { f : Fin n → Fin n // Function.Involutive f })
The equivalence between Wick contractions for n
and involutions of Fin n
The involution of Fin n
associated with a Wick contraction c : WickContraction n
as follows.
If i : Fin n
is contracted in c
then it is taken to its dual, otherwise
it is taken to itself.
- WickContraction.equivInvolution = { toFun := WickContraction.toInvolution, invFun := WickContraction.fromInvolution, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }