PhysLean Documentation


Equivalence extracting element from contraction #

theorem WickContraction.extractEquiv_equiv {n : } {c1 c2 : (c : WickContraction n) × Option { x : Fin n // x c.uncontracted }} (h : c1.fst = c2.fst) (ho : c1.snd = (uncontractedCongr ) c2.snd) :
c1 = c2

The equivalence between WickContraction n.succ and the sigma type (c : WickContraction n) × Option c.uncontracted formed by inserting and erasing elements from a contraction.

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Instances For
    theorem WickContraction.extractEquiv_apply_congr_symm_apply {n m : } (k : ) (hnk : k < n.succ) (hkm : k < m.succ) (hnm : n = m) (c : WickContraction n) (i : { x : Fin n // x c.uncontracted }) :
    (congr ) ((extractEquiv k, hkm) ((congr ) ((extractEquiv k, hnk).symm c, some i))).fst = c

    The fintype instance of WickContraction 0 defined through its single element empty.

    theorem WickContraction.sum_extractEquiv_congr {M : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid M] {n m : } (i : Fin n) (f : WickContraction nM) (h : n = m.succ) :
    c : WickContraction n, f c = c : WickContraction m, k : Option { x : Fin m // x c.uncontracted }, f ((congr ) ((extractEquiv ((finCongr h) i)).symm c, k))

    For n = 3 there are 4 possible Wick contractions:

    • , corresponding to the case where no fields are contracted.
    • {{0, 1}}, corresponding to the case where the field at position 0 and 1 are contracted.
    • {{0, 2}}, corresponding to the case where the field at position 0 and 2 are contracted.
    • {{1, 2}}, corresponding to the case where the field at position 1 and 2 are contracted.

    The proof of this result uses the fact that Lean is an executable programming language and can calculate all Wick contractions for a given n.

    For n = 4 there are 10 possible Wick contractions including e.g.

    • , corresponding to the case where no fields are contracted.
    • {{0, 1}, {2, 3}}, corresponding to the case where the fields at position 0 and 1 are contracted, and the fields at position 2 and 3 are contracted.
    • {{0, 2}, {1, 3}}, corresponding to the case where the fields at position 0 and 2 are contracted, and the fields at position 1 and 3 are contracted.

    The proof of this result uses the fact that Lean is an executable programming language and can calculate all Wick contractions for a given n.