PhysLean Documentation


Erasing an element from a contraction #

Given a Wick contraction WickContraction n.succ and a i : Fin n.succ the Wick contraction associated with n obtained by removing i. If i is contracted with j in the new Wick contraction j will be uncontracted.

Instances For
    theorem WickContraction.mem_not_eq_erase_of_isSome {n : } {a : Finset (Fin n.succ)} (c : WickContraction n.succ) (i : Fin n.succ) (h : (c.getDual? i).isSome = true) (ha : a c) (ha2 : a {i, (c.getDual? i).get h}) :
    a'(c.erase i), a = i.succAboveEmb a'
    theorem WickContraction.mem_not_eq_erase_of_isNone {n : } {a : Finset (Fin n.succ)} (c : WickContraction n.succ) (i : Fin n.succ) (h : (c.getDual? i).isNone = true) (ha : a c) :
    a'(c.erase i), a = i.succAboveEmb a'

    Given a Wick contraction c : WickContraction n.succ and a i : Fin n.succ the (optional) element of (erase c i).uncontracted which comes from the element in c contracted with i.

    Instances For