PhysLean Documentation


Underlying structure for notes #

This file contains the necessary structures that must be imported into a file for it to be turned into a Lean note.

It allows for the

Other results relating to notes are in other files.

The information from a note ... command. To be used in a note file

  • content : String

    The content of the note.

  • fileName : Lean.Name

    The file name where the note came from.

  • line : Nat

    The line from where the note came from.

Instances For

    Syntax for the note ... command

    Instances For

      Elaborator for the note ... command

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        Note attribute #

        The note_attr attribute is used to display formally verified commands within a note.

        Environment extension to store note_attr_informal.

        The note_attr_informal attribute is used to display informal commands within a note.