Schur triangulation #
Schur triangulation is more commonly known as Schur decomposition or Schur triangularization, but
"triangulation" makes the API more readable. It states that a square matrix over an algebraically
closed field, e.g., â
, is unitarily similar to an upper triangular matrix.
Main definitions #
: a matrixA : Matrix n n đ
being algebraically closed can be decomposed asA = U * T * star U
is unitary andT
is upper triangular.Matrix.schurTriangulationUnitary
: the unitary matrixU
as previously stated.Matrix.schurTriangulation
: the upper triangular matrixT
as previously stated.- Some auxiliary definitions are not meant to be used directly, but
contains the main algorithm for the triangulation procedure.
subNat' i h
subtracts m
from i
. This is an alternative form of Fin.subNat
- i.subNat' h = Fin.subNat m (Fin.cast ⯠i) âŻ
Instances For
An alternative form of Equiv.sumEquivSigmaBool
where Bool.casesOn
is replaced by cond
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The composition of finSumFinEquiv
and Equiv.sumEquivSigmalCond
used by
Instances For
The type family parameterized by Bool
has decidable equality if each type variant is
- instDecidableEqSigmaBoolCond_physLean â¨true, snd⊠â¨false, snd_1⊠= isFalse âŻ
- instDecidableEqSigmaBoolCond_physLean â¨false, snd⊠â¨true, snd_1⊠= isFalse âŻ
- instDecidableEqSigmaBoolCond_physLean â¨false, i⊠â¨false, j⊠= if h : i = j then isTrue ⯠else isFalse âŻ
- instDecidableEqSigmaBoolCond_physLean â¨true, i⊠â¨true, j⊠= if h : i = j then isTrue ⯠else isFalse âŻ
The property of a matrix being upper triangular. See also Matrix.det_of_upperTriangular
Instances For
The subtype of upper triangular matrices.
- Matrix.UpperTriangular n R = { A : Matrix n n R // A.IsUpperTriangular }
Instances For
Don't use this definition directly. Instead, use Matrix.schurTriangulationBasis
, and Matrix.schurTriangulation
. See also
and Matrix.schurTriangulationAux
- dim : â
The dimension of the inner product space
. - basis : OrthonormalBasis (Fin self.dim) đ E
An orthonormal basis of
that induces an upper triangular form forf
Instances For
Schur's recursive triangulation procedure #
Given a linear endomorphism f
on a non-trivial finite-dimensional vector space E
over an
algebraically closed field đ
, one can always pick an eigenvalue Îź
of f
whose corresponding
eigenspace V
is non-trivial. Given that E
is also an inner product space, let bV
and bW
orthonormal bases for V
and VáŽ
respectively. Then, the collection of vectors in bV
and bW
forms an orthonormal basis bE
for E
, as the direct sum of V
and VáŽ
is an internal
decomposition of E
. The matrix representation of f
with respect to bE
$$ \sideset{_\mathrm{bE}}{_\mathrm{bE}}{[f]} = \begin{bmatrix} \sideset{_\mathrm{bV}}{_\mathrm{bV}}{[f]} & \sideset{_\mathrm{bW}}{_\mathrm{bV}}{[f]} \\ \sideset{_\mathrm{bV}}{_\mathrm{bW}}{[f]} & \sideset{_\mathrm{bW}}{_\mathrm{bW}}{[f]} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mu I & ⥠\\ 0 & \sideset{_\mathrm{bW}}{_\mathrm{bW}}{[f]} \end{bmatrix}, $$
which is upper triangular as long as $\sideset{_\mathrm{bW}}{_\mathrm{bW}}{[f]}$ is. Finally, one
observes that the recursion from $\sideset{_\mathrm{bE}}{_\mathrm{bE}}{[f]}$ to
$\sideset{_\mathrm{bW}}{_\mathrm{bW}}{[f]}$ is well-founded, as the dimension of bW
is smaller
than that of bE
because bV
is non-trivial.
However, in order to leverage DirectSum.IsInternal.collectedOrthonormalBasis
, the type
ÎŁ b, cond b (Fin m) (Fin n)
has to be used instead of the more natural Fin m â Fin n
while their
equivalence is propositionally established by Equiv.sumEquivSigmalCond
Don't use this definition directly. This is the key algorithm behind
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Instances For
Don't use this definition directly. Instead, use Matrix.schurTriangulationBasis
, and Matrix.schurTriangulation
for which this is their
simultaneous definition. This is LinearMap.SchurTriangulationAux
adapted for matrices in the
Euclidean space.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The change of basis that induces the upper triangular form A.schurTriangulation
of a matrix
over an algebraically closed field.
Instances For
The unitary matrix that induces the upper triangular form A.schurTriangulation
to which a
matrix A
over an algebraically closed field is unitarily similar.
- A.schurTriangulationUnitary = â¨(EuclideanSpace.basisFun n đ).toBasis.toMatrix âA.schurTriangulationBasis, âŻâŠ
Instances For
The upper triangular form induced by A.schurTriangulationUnitary
to which a matrix A
over an
algebraically closed field is unitarily similar.
Instances For
Schur triangulation, Schur decomposition for matrices over an algebraically closed field. In particular, a complex matrix can be converted to upper-triangular form by a change of basis. In other words, any complex matrix is unitarily similar to an upper triangular matrix.