PhysLean Documentation


SynthesizeUsing #

This is a slight simplification of the solve_aux tactic in Lean3.

def synthesizeUsing {u : Lean.Level} (type : Q(Sort u)) (tac : Lean.Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit) :
Lean.MetaM (List Lean.MVarId × Q(«$type»))

synthesizeUsing type tac synthesizes an element of type type using tactic tac.

The tactic tac is allowed to leave goals open, and these remain as metavariables in the returned expression.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    def synthesizeUsing' {u : Lean.Level} (type : Q(Sort u)) (tac : Lean.Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit) :
    Lean.MetaM Q(«$type»)

    synthesizeUsing type tac synthesizes an element of type type using tactic tac.

    The tactic must solve for all goals, in contrast to synthesizeUsing.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def synthesizeUsingTactic {u : Lean.Level} (type : Q(Sort u)) (tac : Lean.Syntax) :
      Lean.MetaM (List Lean.MVarId × Q(«$type»))

      synthesizeUsing type tacticSyntax synthesizes an element of type type by evaluating the given tactic syntax.


      let (gs, e) ← synthesizeUsingTactic ty (← `(tactic| congr!))

      The tactic tac is allowed to leave goals open, and these remain as metavariables in the returned expression.

      Instances For
        def synthesizeUsingTactic' {u : Lean.Level} (type : Q(Sort u)) (tac : Lean.Syntax) :
        Lean.MetaM Q(«$type»)

        synthesizeUsing' type tacticSyntax synthesizes an element of type type by evaluating the given tactic syntax.


        let e ← synthesizeUsingTactic' ty (← `(tactic| norm_num))

        The tactic must solve for all goals, in contrast to synthesizeUsingTactic.

        If you need to insert expressions into a tactic proof, then you might use synthesizeUsing' directly, since the TacticM monad has access to the TermElabM monad. For example, here is a term elaborator that wraps the simp at ... tactic:

        def simpTerm (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
          let mvar ← Meta.mkFreshTypeMVar
          let e' ← synthesizeUsing' mvar
            (do evalTactic (← `(tactic| have h := $(← Term.exprToSyntax e); simp at h; exact h)))
          -- Note: `simp` does not always insert type hints, so to ensure that we get a term
          -- with the simplified type (as opposed to one that is merely defeq), we should add
          -- a type hint ourselves.
          Meta.mkExpectedTypeHint e' mvar
        elab "simpTerm% " t:term : term => do simpTerm (← Term.elabTerm t none)
        Instances For