PhysLean Documentation


A monad for tracking and deduplicating atoms #

This monad is used by tactics like ring and abel to keep uninterpreted atoms in a consistent order, and also to allow unifying atoms up to a specified transparency mode.

Note: this can become very expensive because it is using isDefEq. For performance reasons, consider whether can be used instead. After canonicalizing, a HashMap Expr Nat suffices to keep track of previously seen atoms, and is much faster as it uses Expr equality rather than isDefEq.

The context (read-only state) of the AtomM monad.

Instances For

    The mutable state of the AtomM monad.

    • The list of atoms-up-to-defeq encountered thus far, used for atom sorting.

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]

      The monad that ring works in. This is only used for collecting atoms.

      Instances For
        def {α : Type} (red : Lean.Meta.TransparencyMode) (m : AtomM α) (evalAtom : Lean.ExprLean.MetaM Lean.Meta.Simp.Result := fun (e : Lean.Expr) => pure { expr := e, proof? := none, cache := true }) :

        Run a computation in the AtomM monad.

        Instances For

          If an atomic expression has already been encountered, get the index and the stored form of the atom (which will be defeq at the specified transparency, but not necessarily syntactically equal). If the atomic expression has not already been encountered, store it in the list of atoms, and return the new index (and the stored form of the atom, which will be itself).

          In a normalizing tactic, the expression returned by addAtom should be considered the normal form.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            def Mathlib.Tactic.AtomM.addAtomQ {u : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (e : Q(«$α»)) :
            AtomM (Nat × { e' : Q(«$α») // «$e» =Q «$e'» })

            If an atomic expression has already been encountered, get the index and the stored form of the atom (which will be defeq at the specified transparency, but not necessarily syntactically equal). If the atomic expression has not already been encountered, store it in the list of atoms, and return the new index (and the stored form of the atom, which will be itself).

            In a normalizing tactic, the expression returned by addAtomQ should be considered the normal form.

            This is a strongly-typed version of AtomM.addAtom for code using Qq.

            Instances For