PhysLean Documentation


Environment extension for tracking existence of declarations and imports #

This is used by the assert_not_exists and assert_not_imported commands.

AssertExists is the structure that carries the data to check if a declaration or an import are meant to exist somewhere in Mathlib.

  • isDecl : Bool

    The type of the assertion: true means declaration, false means import.

  • givenName : Lean.Name

    The fully qualified name of a declaration that is expected to exist.

  • modName : Lean.Name

    The name of the module where the assertion was made.

Instances For
    def Mathlib.AssertNotExist.addDeclEntry {m : TypeType} [Lean.MonadEnv m] (isDecl : Bool) (declName mod : Lean.Name) :

    addDeclEntry isDecl declName mod takes as input the Boolean isDecl and the Names of a declaration or import, declName, and of a module, mod. It extends the AssertExists environment extension with the data isDecl, declName, mod. This information is used to capture declarations and modules that are required to not exist/be imported at some point, but should eventually exist/be imported.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      getSortedAssertExists env returns the array of AssertExists, placing first all declarations, in alphabetical order, and then all modules, also in alphabetical order.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For