PhysLean Documentation


Topology on extended non-negative reals #

Topology on ℝ≥0∞.

Note: this is different from the EMetricSpace topology. The EMetricSpace topology has IsOpen {∞}, while this topology doesn't have singleton elements.

theorem ENNReal.tendsto_coe {α : Type u_1} {f : Filter α} {m : αNNReal} {a : NNReal} :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (a : α) => (m a)) f (nhds a) Filter.Tendsto m f (nhds a)
theorem ENNReal.nhds_coe_coe {r p : NNReal} :
nhds (r, p) = (fun (p : NNReal × NNReal) => (p.1, p.2)) (nhds (r, p))