PhysLean Documentation


Star structures on bounded continuous functions #

Star structures #

In this section, if β is a normed ⋆-group, then so is the space of bounded continuous functions from α to β, by using the star operation pointwise.

If 𝕜 is normed field and a ⋆-ring over which β is a normed algebra and a star module, then the space of bounded continuous functions from α to β is a star module.

If β is a ⋆-ring in addition to being a normed ⋆-group, then α →ᵇ β inherits a ⋆-ring structure.

In summary, if β is a C⋆-algebra over 𝕜, then so is α →ᵇ β; note that completeness is guaranteed when β is complete (see BoundedContinuousFunction.complete).


The right-hand side of this equality can be parsed star ∘ ⇑f because of the instance Pi.instStarForAll. Upon inspecting the goal, one sees ⊢ ↑(star f) = star ↑f.