PhysLean Documentation


Locally path-connected spaces #

This file defines LocPathConnectedSpace X, a predicate class asserting that X is locally path-connected, in that each point has a basis of path-connected neighborhoods.

Main results #

Abstractly, this also shows that locally path-connected spaces form a coreflective subcategory of the category of topological spaces, although we do not prove that in this form here.

Implementation notes #

In the definition of LocPathConnectedSpace X we require neighbourhoods in the basis to be path-connected, but not necessarily open; that they can also be required to be open is shown as a theorem in isOpen_isPathConnected_basis.

A topological space is locally path connected, at every point, path connected neighborhoods form a neighborhood basis.

    theorem LocPathConnectedSpace.of_bases {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] {ι : Type u_3} {p : XιProp} {s : XιSet X} (h : ∀ (x : X), (nhds x).HasBasis (p x) (s x)) (h' : ∀ (x : X) (i : ι), p x iIsPathConnected (s x i)) :
    @[deprecated LocPathConnectedSpace.of_bases (since := "2024-10-16")]
    theorem locPathConnected_of_bases {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] {ι : Type u_3} {p : XιProp} {s : XιSet X} (h : ∀ (x : X), (nhds x).HasBasis (p x) (s x)) (h' : ∀ (x : X) (i : ι), p x iIsPathConnected (s x i)) :

    Alias of LocPathConnectedSpace.of_bases.

    In a locally path connected space, each path component is an open set.

    In a locally path connected space, each path component is a closed set.

    In a locally path connected space, each path component is a clopen set.

    theorem pathComponentIn_mem_nhds {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] {x : X} {F : Set X} [LocPathConnectedSpace X] (hF : F nhds x) :
    theorem pathConnected_subset_basis {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] {x : X} [LocPathConnectedSpace X] {U : Set X} (h : IsOpen U) (hx : x U) :
    (nhds x).HasBasis (fun (s : Set X) => s nhds x IsPathConnected s s U) id
    @[deprecated Topology.IsOpenEmbedding.locPathConnectedSpace (since := "2024-10-18")]

    Alias of Topology.IsOpenEmbedding.locPathConnectedSpace.

    @[deprecated IsOpen.locPathConnectedSpace (since := "2024-10-17")]

    Alias of IsOpen.locPathConnectedSpace.

    Locally path-connected spaces are locally connected.

    A space is locally path-connected iff all path components of open subsets are open.

    A space is locally path-connected iff all path components of open subsets are neighbourhoods.

    Any topology coinduced by a locally path-connected topology is locally path-connected.

    Quotients of locally path-connected spaces are locally path-connected.

    Quotients of locally path-connected spaces are locally path-connected.

    Quotients of locally path-connected spaces are locally path-connected.

    Disjoint unions of locally path-connected spaces are locally path-connected.

    instance Sigma.locPathConnectedSpace {ι : Type u_3} {X : ιType u_4} [(i : ι) → TopologicalSpace (X i)] [∀ (i : ι), LocPathConnectedSpace (X i)] :
    LocPathConnectedSpace ((i : ι) × X i)

    Disjoint unions of locally path-connected spaces are locally path-connected.