PhysLean Documentation


Topology on the quotient group #

In this file we define topology on G ⧸ N, where N is a subgroup of G, and prove basic properties of this topology.

@[deprecated QuotientGroup.isQuotientMap_mk (since := "2024-10-22")]

Alias of QuotientGroup.isQuotientMap_mk.

theorem QuotientGroup.dense_image_mk {G : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace G] [Group G] [ContinuousMul G] {N : Subgroup G} {s : Set G} :
Dense (mk '' s) Dense (s * N)

A quotient of a locally compact group is locally compact.

@[deprecated "No deprecation message was provided." (since := "2024-10-05")]
theorem QuotientGroup.continuous_smul₁ {G : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace G] [Group G] [ContinuousMul G] {N : Subgroup G} (x : G N) :
Continuous fun (g : G) => g x
@[deprecated "No deprecation message was provided." (since := "2024-10-05")]
theorem QuotientAddGroup.continuous_smul₁ {G : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace G] [AddGroup G] [ContinuousAdd G] {N : AddSubgroup G} (x : G N) :
Continuous fun (g : G) => g +ᵥ x
theorem QuotientGroup.nhds_eq {G : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace G] [Group G] [ContinuousMul G] (N : Subgroup G) (x : G) :

Neighborhoods in the quotient are precisely the map of neighborhoods in the prequotient.

theorem QuotientAddGroup.nhds_eq {G : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace G] [AddGroup G] [ContinuousAdd G] (N : AddSubgroup G) (x : G) :

Neighborhoods in the quotient are precisely the map of neighborhoods in the prequotient.

The quotient of a second countable topological group by a subgroup is second countable.

The quotient of a second countable additive topological group by a subgroup is second countable.

@[deprecated "No deprecation message was provided." (since := "2024-08-05")]
@[deprecated "No deprecation message was provided." (since := "2024-08-05")]
@[deprecated "No deprecation message was provided." (since := "2024-08-05")]
@[deprecated "No deprecation message was provided." (since := "2024-08-05")]
instance QuotientGroup.instT3Space {G : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace G] [Group G] [IsTopologicalGroup G] (N : Subgroup G) [N.Normal] [hN : IsClosed N] :
T3Space (G N)