PhysLean Documentation


Topological space structure on the opposite monoid and on the units group #

In this file we define TopologicalSpace structure on Mᵐᵒᵖ, Mᵃᵒᵖ, , and AddUnits M. This file does not import definitions of a topological monoid and/or a continuous multiplicative action, so we postpone the proofs of HasContinuousMul Mᵐᵒᵖ etc till we have these definitions.

Tags #

topological space, opposite monoid, units

Put the same topological space structure on the opposite monoid as on the original space.


Put the same topological space structure on the opposite monoid as on the original space.


MulOpposite.op as a homeomorphism.

Instances For

    AddOpposite.op as a homeomorphism.

    Instances For
      theorem AddOpposite.opHomeomorph_apply {M : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace M] (a✝ : M) :
      opHomeomorph a✝ = op a✝
      theorem MulOpposite.opHomeomorph_apply {M : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace M] (a✝ : M) :
      opHomeomorph a✝ = op a✝
      theorem MulOpposite.map_op_nhds {M : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace M] (x : M) :
      theorem AddOpposite.map_op_nhds {M : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace M] (x : M) :

      The units of a monoid are equipped with a topology, via the embedding into M × M.


      The additive units of a monoid are equipped with a topology, via the embedding into M × M.

      @[deprecated Units.isInducing_embedProduct (since := "2024-10-28")]

      Alias of Units.isInducing_embedProduct.

      @[deprecated Units.isEmbedding_embedProduct (since := "2024-10-26")]

      Alias of Units.isEmbedding_embedProduct.

      theorem Units.isEmbedding_val_mk' {M : Type u_3} [Monoid M] [TopologicalSpace M] {f : MM} (hc : ContinuousOn f {x : M | IsUnit x}) (hf : ∀ (u : Mˣ), f u = u⁻¹) :

      An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion Mˣ → M is a topological embedding. Use Units.isEmbedding_val₀, Units.isEmbedding_val, or toUnits_homeomorph instead.

      theorem AddUnits.isEmbedding_val_mk' {M : Type u_3} [AddMonoid M] [TopologicalSpace M] {f : MM} (hc : ContinuousOn f {x : M | IsAddUnit x}) (hf : ∀ (u : AddUnits M), f u = ↑(-u)) :

      An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion AddUnits M → M is a topological embedding. Use AddUnits.isEmbedding_val or toAddUnits_homeomorph instead.

      @[deprecated Units.isEmbedding_val_mk' (since := "2024-10-26")]
      theorem Units.embedding_val_mk' {M : Type u_3} [Monoid M] [TopologicalSpace M] {f : MM} (hc : ContinuousOn f {x : M | IsUnit x}) (hf : ∀ (u : Mˣ), f u = u⁻¹) :

      Alias of Units.isEmbedding_val_mk'.

      An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion Mˣ → M is a topological embedding. Use Units.isEmbedding_val₀, Units.isEmbedding_val, or toUnits_homeomorph instead.

      An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion Mˣ → M is a topological embedding. Use Units.isEmbedding_val₀, Units.isEmbedding_val, or toUnits_homeomorph instead.

      An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion AddUnits M → M is a topological embedding. Use AddUnits.isEmbedding_val or toAddUnits_homeomorph instead.

      theorem Units.continuous_iff {M : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace M] [Monoid M] [TopologicalSpace X] {f : XMˣ} :
      Continuous f Continuous (val f) Continuous fun (x : X) => (f x)⁻¹
      theorem AddUnits.continuous_iff {M : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddMonoid M] [TopologicalSpace X] {f : XAddUnits M} :
      Continuous f Continuous (val f) Continuous fun (x : X) => ↑(-f x)
      theorem Units.continuous_coe_inv {M : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace M] [Monoid M] :
      Continuous fun (u : Mˣ) => u⁻¹
      theorem AddUnits.continuous_coe_neg {M : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddMonoid M] :
      Continuous fun (u : AddUnits M) => ↑(-u)