PhysLean Documentation


subsingleton tactic #

The subsingleton tactic closes Eq or HEq goals using an argument that the types involved are subsingletons. To first approximation, it does apply Subsingleton.elim but it also will try proof_irrel_heq, and it is careful not to accidentally specialize Sort _ to `Prop.

Returns the expression Subsingleton ty.

Instances For

    Synthesizes a Subsingleton ty instance with the additional local instances made available.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Closes the goal g whose target is an Eq or HEq by appealing to the fact that the types are subsingletons. Fails if it cannot find a way to do this.

      Has support for showing BEq instances are equal if they have LawfulBEq instances.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        The subsingleton tactic tries to prove a goal of the form x = y or HEq x y using the fact that the types involved are subsingletons (a type with exactly zero or one terms). To a first approximation, it does apply Subsingleton.elim. As a nicety, subsingleton first runs the intros tactic.

        • If the goal is an equality, it either closes the goal or fails.
        • subsingleton [inst1, inst2, ...] can be used to add additional Subsingleton instances to the local context. This can be more flexible than have := inst1; have := inst2; ...; subsingleton since the tactic does not require that all placeholders be solved for.

        Techniques the subsingleton tactic can apply:

        Properties #

        The tactic is careful not to accidentally specialize Sort _ to Prop, avoiding the following surprising behavior of apply Subsingleton.elim:

        example (α : Sort _) (x y : α) : x = y := by apply Subsingleton.elim

        The reason this example goes through is that it applies the ∀ (p : Prop), Subsingleton p instance, specializing the universe level metavariable in Sort _ to 0.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          Elaborates the terms like how Lean.Elab.Tactic.addSimpTheorem does, abstracting their metavariables.

          Instances For

            Main loop for addSubsingletonInsts.

            Instances For