PhysLean Documentation


simp_intro tactic #

Main loop of the simp_intro tactic.

  • g: the original goal
  • ctx: the simp context, which is extended with local variables as we enter the binders
  • discharge?: the discharger
  • more: if true, we will keep introducing binders as long as we can
  • ids: the list of binder identifiers

The simp_intro tactic is a combination of simp and intro: it will simplify the types of variables as it introduces them and uses the new variables to simplify later arguments and the goal.

  • simp_intro x y z introduces variables named x y z
  • simp_intro x y z .. introduces variables named x y z and then keeps introducing _ binders
  • simp_intro (config := cfg) (discharger := tac) x y .. only [h₁, h₂]: simp_intro takes the same options as simp (see simp)
example : x + 0 = y → x = z := by
  simp_intro h
  -- h: x = y ⊢ y = z
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For